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DarlingSoSweet May 16, 2024 7:03 am

I read this manga years ago, last time it had over 300 chapters. It about the girl who's accused of sleeping with/having this rich dudes kid. He's a dick who when he finds her again I think r@pes her in a sauna/steam room. He gets mad at her at one point and she is starved in a forest for a week. He only likes her cooking and he eats A LOT. She obviously comes from an abusive family. She's in love with a family friend while adoptive family hates her. When the horrible excuse of a ML warms up to her she gets like this robot man/butler. She gets harassed in public and gets traumatized and eventually the "ML" snaps her out of it.
I hate the characters but it came to mind and now I need to know how it ends cause I dropped it
