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The ending

N22 May 16, 2024 7:07 am

Dude in the past part is says something like Hel is gonna find Arthur once he dies since he's human he will die earlier then Hel but it said Hel we will find him after he does, remeber when Hel was reading romance books and mainly about lovers who died and the other one follows them through death. What if it mean that when Arthur dies Hel will also follow him through death to "find" him???

(don't mind me just blabbering)

    Scarlet Angel May 26, 2024 5:25 am

    I remember reading the earlier chapter, Hel said something about how he couldn't understand why human feels sad about death when they can just meet again in afterlife. As a demon king, he can just enter the underworld to meet Arthur even if he's dead, I guess? I don't quite understand the concept but basically, death won't stop them to be together. Just, Arthur won't be a human anymore.

    N22 May 27, 2024 3:46 pm

    I guess