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This is giving 10yrs where i loved you the most. Like im expecting her to suicide and she ...

Hyunnnn [51%] May 16, 2024 9:37 am

This is giving 10yrs where i loved you the most. Like im expecting her to suicide and she will regressed but im in ch.9 and she is still alive and kickin'.

Anf if was her, i would've just choose the mental hospital rather than being with that emo bastard.

    Hyunnnn [51%] May 16, 2024 9:47 am

    Wtf was he thinking when he suggest that she should adopt a child when she literally just lost a child??

    Hyunnnn [51%] May 16, 2024 9:52 am

    "Im truly sorry about what happened to you" no way he said that, and the fact that he used the "you" instead of "us" is making me pissed off.

    Hyunnnn [51%] May 16, 2024 9:53 am
    "Im truly sorry about what happened to you" no way he said that, and the fact that he used the "you" instead of "us" is making me pissed off. Hyunnnn [51%]

    Im expecting that he will like change a bit after the miscarriage but he became more worst lol

    Hyunnnn [51%] May 16, 2024 10:08 am

    She said the the guy was the reason she has miscarriage but i don't really think so, even if the gun accident did'nt happened the baby will die in other ways; first is the medicine that quack doctor prescribed, second is the stressed that she is getting from her husband and other people, then if the baby survived for all of that, it will be either get asassinated by people who hate her, lastly the vassal of that emo bastard will probably know that fl is pregnant and they will tell to that emo bastard to make fl lost her baby :((.