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Still dont understand why the uke didnt Go into hibernation with him together. I mean, jea...

Pocket May 16, 2024 10:33 am

Still dont understand why the uke didnt Go into hibernation with him together.
I mean, jeah he helped unfreezing him a few years faster.
But its not like he was a genius that was needed in this.

    Bluesky_ May 17, 2024 5:23 pm

    I thought about this too and come to a conclusion that he wants to help make sure the seme will be able to unfreeze and he might not be of importance for the government to hibernate him alongside the seme at first. After contributing as a doctor then he is if importance

    Jonas May 21, 2024 8:07 am

    because why would they do it for the uke? He didn't do anything for them at the time, they weren't going to say "oh yes, for love we will do it for you too <3 ", he had to work for it.

    Also, it is said that his work is why they find how to turn the seme "normal", if he didn't who knows if they were going to do anything on the long term, as the hibernation was working.