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Truly living up to the title Deny the Route!

nana0-san May 16, 2024 11:43 am

Man author has done a really good job portraying how wrong "forbidden" routes are like usually as a reader I let it all kinda slide off my brain. Other interpretations of similar stories always kinda takes the easy way out, so readers don't feel the true stress and uneasiness. It's really hard to swallow but very well written I think.

    Titti24 May 16, 2024 12:18 pm

    Right? One of The reasons why incest is bad it's because it involves a lot of grooming and psychological abuse, the younger party has been the object of affection since birth and thus can't know better, it's annoying when stories don't even try addressing this

    nana0-san May 16, 2024 1:04 pm
    Right? One of The reasons why incest is bad it's because it involves a lot of grooming and psychological abuse, the younger party has been the object of affection since birth and thus can't know better, it's an... Titti24

    Mhmm it was ballsy of the author to write about this subject in this way cause a lot of ppl will hate on it. But I'm glad they did it so well, it makes the readers feel as uncomfortable as they should.