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I still dont get why mc was mad in the past. Because he could only get roles if ml was hel...

Dorko May 16, 2024 12:03 pm

I still dont get why mc was mad in the past. Because he could only get roles if ml was helping him?

    tojismilkers May 16, 2024 12:27 pm

    did u even read mc was mad insecure and put all the blame on seme bcos he felt like hes just one of the seme’s shadow behind all that light and shi. girl go use ur eyes and read it again to understand what uke really feels and u’ll get ur answer

    Dorko May 16, 2024 2:54 pm
    did u even read mc was mad insecure and put all the blame on seme bcos he felt like hes just one of the seme’s shadow behind all that light and shi. girl go use ur eyes and read it again to understand what u... tojismilkers

    What an unhelpful condescending answer

    I was just seeing if anyone more sympathetic than me understood where mc was coming from and could explain it to me because I dont think i would be mad someone was always helping me get roles and covering for my mistakes, i maybe insecure but not mad enough to go live in poverty

    tojismilkers May 16, 2024 4:04 pm
    What an unhelpful condescending answer I was just seeing if anyone more sympathetic than me understood where mc was coming from and could explain it to me because I dont think i would be mad someone was always... Dorko

    people deal with problems differently. just bcos u can strive to live again doesnt mean people also can. yeah u tryna sympathize but clearly not understanding ukes feelings at all. uke clearly feels miserable being with seme, especially he always got the supporting role and was put down by people around him, talking smack behind his back for having a support role due to semes request and such but he didnt want that cos he want to strive on his own, want the semes support and shi but he didnt get that and that made him insecure hence his inferiority complex.