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I mean Anitta's reason for wanting revenge is valid. Instead of the princess's story, I wo...

Itsme27 May 16, 2024 2:06 pm

I mean Anitta's reason for wanting revenge is valid. Instead of the princess's story, I would have much more preferred to read Anitta's story. I think it would be more thrilling and I would certainly be rooting for her.

    suripii May 17, 2024 5:30 am

    her reason is vaild,, but the person she wants to take revenge on is long dead and she’s just taking out her anger on innocent people by ruining their entire lives so she’s just unreasonable rn imo

    i do think that id enjoy reading her story if she got revenge on the person that ruined her life

    MachoNacho May 19, 2024 4:04 pm
    her reason is vaild,, but the person she wants to take revenge on is long dead and she’s just taking out her anger on innocent people by ruining their entire lives so she’s just unreasonable rn imo i do thi... suripii

    I agree but part of me also gets her stance. She was the one who built the empire and that family, so in her eyes, her revenge on the new generation is simply her taking back what she had already built. People are profiting off of her suffering and she has the power to reverse that, so she takes that chance.

    eaz May 23, 2024 7:49 am
    I agree but part of me also gets her stance. She was the one who built the empire and that family, so in her eyes, her revenge on the new generation is simply her taking back what she had already built. People ... MachoNacho

    it's hard to root for her when her revenge is against a literal child(FL's bro if that wasn't clear) and FL. and being needlessly cruel to someone who wasn't even involved is just all kinds of fucked up. I rlly wish we could see a story of the people who wronged her getting their dues at her hand