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you guys make me feel so smart

levipleasecallmeback May 16, 2024 2:52 pm

in the very few moments she’s vulnerable, she gets criticized. she obviously knows she doesn’t need a knight and rainbows. she’s admitting to callisto, she needed help from someone who understood her desperation and wouldn’t abandon her (aka love her, or have full gauge) in order to be saved

you guys really suck at reading in between the lines. penelope is ALLUDING to wanting companionship above all else, loyalty and respect in its purest form not just romantic…

    Flameo Hotman May 16, 2024 3:07 pm

    true, I don't get why people are so angry with her when her feelings are so valid, she feels cornered and is in need of someone she can most definitely trust and Callisto is just isn't that for her at the moment, my girl's scared out of her mind people should cut her some slack ╥﹏╥

    levipleasecallmeback May 17, 2024 10:22 pm
    true, I don't get why people are so angry with her when her feelings are so valid, she feels cornered and is in need of someone she can most definitely trust and Callisto is just isn't that for her at the momen... Flameo Hotman

    literally!!! shes not asking for pure romance in the middle of all this mess omg. people have no media literacy and have to blatantly be told how penelope is essentially begging for a savior and someone to be on her side fully. with all her effort it’s still not enough to save herself

    she’s pushing castillo away because she doesn’t know how he truly feels and thinks he’s playing with her or seeking entertainment like it wasn’t that hard to figure out ┗( T﹏T )┛