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sooo about sohan-

Totoki May 16, 2024 2:55 pm

It's very clear at this point is that Sohan is afraid of being left completely alone. And he still thinks Sihwa will leave the earth someday. That's why he's keeping up with his dad even tho he KNOWS his dad is all after his money. Sohan is traumatized and he's dealing with it in his own ways. Now all that's left to do is that he needs to communicate with Sihwa about how he feels and start from there. And people who have been getting impatient with the story already are clearly not getting the point author is trying to make here. If there wasn't a lil bit of drama, this manhwa would turn out to be pretty boring i must say. Cause the author has established very early on the fact that it's not gonna be fully a cute wholesome story and both of the leads are gonna deal and overcome their traumas and THEN they will get their happily ever after. Also the author is doing a pretty good job developing the characters and portraying the emotions. It has just the right balance between fluffiness and angst and I am thoroughly satisfied with the story atp. I hope it doesn't go downhill at the end and gives us a good closer to everything
