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Terrible ending

Spring rolls May 18, 2024 4:57 pm

The story itself is good but the ending was just terrible, it gave no closure, especially in regards to wooshik (finding out he might like boys) and the blue haired guys hair friendship with our main characters. I give it a 3.8/5 EDIT: I don’t understand the hate on Hyobin. Gichan lied to Hyobin that the only thing him and blue haired boy did was kiss and these discussions are important in relationships because it leads to a conversation of whether Hyobin would still be comfortable with blue haired boy being friends with Gichan. Obviously we’re aware that blue haired boy is respectful of Gichan and Hyobin’s relationship and wouldn’t make a move but that doesn’t mean Hyobin can’t be insecure and uncomfortable with the friendship! So of course in this situation Hyobin completely has the right to be upset, his feelings are valid.
