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He's better than me cause i wouldn't have waited 35 years for someone. Realistically the l...

Chocopops May 16, 2024 5:04 pm

He's better than me cause i wouldn't have waited 35 years for someone. Realistically the love will lessen and all that will be left is just stubbornness and dedication to achieve his goal. 35 years is a lifetime. There might be some longing for the past and for the young love but the complete devotion would be more due to obsession rather than love at that point. But that's just me tho

    Bananas May 22, 2024 5:58 pm

    In my black little heart I actually think it would have been better for both of them if he had moved on. Instead he lived almost 30 years of sadness and loneliness, they have this harsh age gap where they are in completely different stages of life and want different things. Since he is 30 years older he will die much sooner than his lover and the guy will still have to live his life alone without him. It would have been better to cut the cord and allow them both to start life afreash.