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Finished reading the novel

LeRain May 16, 2024 6:41 pm

I was ugly crying near the end and could not see how everything could be alright in the end, but surprisingly it was alright. The story is very interesting but also sad, could give an existential crisis. Everybody goes through so damn much. I pitied MC a lot. In the end I couldn’t get myself to like ML, he still mostly seemed like a callous damned assshole, especially after MC left, and after his death (he doesn’t die for forever). He is just really unlikeable. I know his backstory and his moral values, but mostly I really think this is just his personality. I don’t hate him but he genuinely just is extremely unpleasant.

    Sonnybie May 16, 2024 7:36 pm

    If you've read you must've knowledge about his mother & father. Especially the mother, so his attitude & morals are all associated with how he was raised. Don't hate our ML he's been helping An Zhe a lot & will genuinely come to love him

    jamme82736 May 16, 2024 8:04 pm

    What do you mean "especially after MC left, and after his death (he doesn’t die for forever)?" Can you explain in more detail, and I'm just curious but why is he unlikable? Also, in the novel does it tell if ml like or love mc at all? What is there relationship amd how come he kill other but alway let mc off? Spoiler everything to me pls. ( ̄∇ ̄")

    pigglypoof May 16, 2024 10:08 pm
    What do you mean "especially after MC left, and after his death (he doesn’t die for forever)?" Can you explain in more detail, and I'm just curious but why is he unlikable? Also, in the novel does it tell if ... jamme82736

    Sorry this is long but bear with me.

    An Zhe will die. But he is brought back to life through his spore. Turns out his spore is a way for him to replicate himself and that's why his instincts wanted him to find his spore. The novel is not romance heavy. Lu Feng is a very stoic and serious man, but he does love An Zhe. I find it very sweet how ML shows subtle affection towards MC.

    Lu Feng is the arbiter. His job is to eliminate threats to the colony - that means he has to kill the infected before the monsters "hatch" and kill people. He has a 100% accuracy rate. That means he has only killed infected and has never gotten a shot wrong. Later on he will start to question his role as arbiter and whether he is doing the right thing or not.

    An Zhe is not infected but he's also not human. Lu Feng can sense that he's different and has An Zhe tested but all tests show that he's not dangerous. An Zhe's odd constitution and his lack of fear of the artiber intrigues Lu Feng. That's why he pays special attention to An Zhe.

    jamme82736 May 17, 2024 5:12 am
    Sorry this is long but bear with me.MAJOR SPOILERS................................................................................................................................................................... pigglypoof

    I see. Thanks you for explaining ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    LeRain May 17, 2024 6:55 am
    If you've read you must've knowledge about his mother & father. Especially the mother, so his attitude & morals are all associated with how he was raised. Don't hate our ML he's been helping An Zhe a lo... Sonnybie

    Yeah I know I've read the novel. I still dislike him. I love the novel and An Zhe just not him

    LeRain May 17, 2024 6:58 am
    What do you mean "especially after MC left, and after his death (he doesn’t die for forever)?" Can you explain in more detail, and I'm just curious but why is he unlikable? Also, in the novel does it tell if ... jamme82736

    It seems like ML liked MC since the beginning or was at least interested in him, it’s just that he puts interest of the humanity above everything else. Meaning above MC. He also just behaves like an asshole to everybody around him, less to MC but yeah.

    LeRain May 17, 2024 7:00 am
    It seems like ML liked MC since the beginning or was at least interested in him, it’s just that he puts interest of the humanity above everything else. Meaning above MC. He also just behaves like an asshole t... LeRain

    The death part was explained by pigglypoof so I just explained why he is unlikeable for me

    jamme82736 May 17, 2024 10:36 am
    The death part was explained by pigglypoof so I just explained why he is unlikeable for me LeRain

    Oh okays, thank you (=・ω・=)

    Sonnybie May 17, 2024 1:25 pm
    It seems like ML liked MC since the beginning or was at least interested in him, it’s just that he puts interest of the humanity above everything else. Meaning above MC. He also just behaves like an asshole t... LeRain

    "He also just behaves like an asshole to everybody around him but less to MC" is an understatement of how cold blooded Lu Feng is .

    Guy will not hesitate to bomb an entire city with An Zhe's acquaintances but will not let An Zhe's single hair get scratched. What's humanity really to Lu Feng he'll sacrifice them the earliest to save only useful mushroom first lmao

    brainless May 17, 2024 2:57 pm

    Me too, it's just so sad, the saddest part when he chooses to sacrifice himself. Oh my little mushroom, glad you can stay alive after sometimes.

    LeRain May 17, 2024 3:14 pm
    "He also just behaves like an asshole to everybody around him but less to MC" is an understatement of how cold blooded Lu Feng is . Guy will not hesitate to bomb an entire city with An Zhe's acquaintances but w... Sonnybie

    Yeah it’s humanities interests above everything else, not human life. Just statistic survival