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Some Koreans are racist as fk

Arya May 17, 2024 6:45 am

Some Koreans are racist as fk

    Nizze May 18, 2024 12:52 am

    I won't deny... but honestly xenophoby is something global... even between states of the same country. It's a sad reality.

    Arya May 18, 2024 6:43 am
    I won't deny... but honestly xenophoby is something global... even between states of the same country. It's a sad reality. Nizze

    But Koreans are more racist they will.treat white foreigner like guests but they hate brown and black people

    LUNA May 21, 2024 7:58 am
    But Koreans are more racist they will.treat white foreigner like guests but they hate brown and black people Arya

    True that. There is a lot of cases even on youtube interviews

    LIGMA May 25, 2024 2:16 pm
    But Koreans are more racist they will.treat white foreigner like guests but they hate brown and black people Arya

    What the heck is wrong with being brown and black anyway?? I'm just confuse why the heck they view it as low people, can't they blame it on the sun? People's skin evolve that way to adapt harsh and hot climate.

    They are so narrow-minded, I am brown and I like actually, make me look healthy and not pale

    Arya May 25, 2024 3:29 pm
    What the heck is wrong with being brown and black anyway?? I'm just confuse why the heck they view it as low people, can't they blame it on the sun? People's skin evolve that way to adapt harsh and hot climate.... LIGMA

    Same I'm also brown but preference to the white is everywhere bro
    Because people think having fair skin is beautiful
    And Korean people are like group of white sheeps they hate when they see black sheep but in the night wolf will take all white sheeps because black sheep will hide in darkness

    Modric May 26, 2024 1:44 pm
    What the heck is wrong with being brown and black anyway?? I'm just confuse why the heck they view it as low people, can't they blame it on the sun? People's skin evolve that way to adapt harsh and hot climate.... LIGMA

    I think part of it stems from nobility vs working class back in the day, like in the dynasties? Even when it wasn’t towards foreigners but their own citizens.

    Like the working class had darker skin due to working the harsher/rougher jobs outside in the sun and getting naturally tan, and nobility and higher status individuals didn’t normally work outside, so their skin was fairer. I think I read somewhere they linked darker skin to being ‘dirtier’ due to the fact most people in that time were working in fields or just generally working with materials that would normally be considered ‘dirty’ to nobility and higher classes, so they would strive to have farer skin to prove/show off their status. It was like propaganda to show the divide/rift in status and wealth and I think part of it is why darker skinned individuals tend to be thought of as ‘less’? I think this is just one aspect and like don’t quote me or anything cause I could be wrong. I also know it’s not just this as to why racism is so strong in Korea but I think this might be part of it - like it was past down generationally

    Nizze May 26, 2024 3:22 pm
    I think part of it stems from nobility vs working class back in the day, like in the dynasties? Even when it wasn’t towards foreigners but their own citizens. Like the working class had darker skin due to wor... Modric

    I heard something like this about China too. There's also the fact that back people are very rare there compared to other places. In the western side we are way more mixed than there, they are little mixed even with Asians of other countries. They have such homogeneous looks that anything a little different pops out.

    LIGMA May 26, 2024 6:39 pm
    I think part of it stems from nobility vs working class back in the day, like in the dynasties? Even when it wasn’t towards foreigners but their own citizens. Like the working class had darker skin due to wor... Modric

    So how do we solve racism in the present time?

    Arya May 27, 2024 4:41 am
    So how do we solve racism in the present time? LIGMA

    Treat racist people same as they treat others