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Yuyu May 17, 2024 8:30 am

Anyone please just spoil me

    drifting May 17, 2024 11:14 am


    this is from a spoiler i got. The “real daughter” is enchanting the family to hate her, which gets revealed to everyone later. the family also didn’t know that mc planned to leave them this whole time, so when she does they’re very sad. unlike a lot of other stories, it takes her years to forgive them which i like. this is bc the brothers were genuinely mean to her before normal route starts, and yvonne can only warp a person’s perception of it’s already negative. so really all she did was make their existing feelings more apparent. that’s also why the knight turns yandere. she ends up with the prince and is given the option to return home. she says no bc she finally found ppl who live her.

    drifting May 17, 2024 11:16 am

    if you’re looking for a similar story, I really like Ashtarte and Kill the Villainess. Their stories are finished too.

    Chibi May 17, 2024 12:13 pm
    spoilerthis is from a spoiler i got. The “real daughter” is enchanting the family to hate her, which gets revealed to everyone later. the family also didn’t know that mc planned to leave them this whole t... drifting

    Omg, I love that, can't wait to see it