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That’s too bad

⭒mars⭒ May 17, 2024 8:38 am

It started really good at first, but the ending makes no sense to me. The whole story makes no sense, it feels like there’s no actual storyline beside the relationship between the three, but if that’s what was intended I would have expected a better writing. I feel like the last incident was just to get rid of the brother and the beautiful boy, so that the muscular dude could end up with the mc.

I don’t know, maybe i’m just being bitchy about it, but it’s just really sad to see a story that seemed so original at first, end up using the most unoriginal trope to get rid of a situation / not waste time on the characters that were created. Nothing was resolved to me, it just feels like it was rushed because the author didn’t want to continue working on it.
