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Aryka: oh wow so that was my past life huh? I feel kind'a sorry for my past self. Vince: Y...

haru May 17, 2024 10:43 am

Aryka: oh wow so that was my past life huh? I feel kind'a sorry for my past self.
Vince: Yeah but Yoen died tho and I think its my fault.

Bitch? BITCHHH??. I need more of Aryka to understand his feelings about his past life or just to have more time for him to feel his self. This aint 'bout you Vince so shut the fuck up and let me comfort Aryka.

Yoen is not the only one who die tho, Aryka is also dead and not once did you grieve for it because if your feelings for him are real you know in the back of your mind that you wont be together forever because he's already dead, and all you can think of is you being left alone. I understand your trauma but I dont tolerate the mixed signals you are giving to Aryka. HE. IS. NOT. A. SUBSTITUTE. FOR. YOEN.

Also, that one time when Aryka was telling Vince about dream watcher, and how Aryka became one but instead he was like "Could Yoen have become a dream watcher too?" aahhhgggrhdjfjcj

I could write a whole ass paragraph of how irritated I am to Vince right now because he does not deserve Aryka. I dont care if you're on Vince's side and dont like what im saying right now, but whatever I just hope they dont end up together and Aryka will love himself more and understand that he doesnt need anyone's approval to be worthy, because baby you aint useless, no one is.

    ᴘʀɪᴍʀᴏsᴇ May 18, 2024 7:31 am

    Ghurl, I'm on your side HAHAHAHAHAH Like bitch, he's acts so victimize like we should understand him better because he suffered from his fvcked up love? like ew bitch even the readers somewhat thinks that you feelings are nothing but Fake. Pa victim amputa

    haru May 18, 2024 8:44 am
    Ghurl, I'm on your side HAHAHAHAHAH Like bitch, he's acts so victimize like we should understand him better because he suffered from his fvcked up love? like ew bitch even the readers somewhat thinks that you f... ᴘʀɪᴍʀᴏsᴇ

    huyy HAHAHAHAAHHA we need a new chapter na talaga