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I just started this

sweety1997 May 17, 2024 12:06 pm

but I can tell what is what and I hope they kill Ver. Fucking bitch. He is the human who betrayed the kindness the moon god (cain-ken) showed him, who made him fall and who is not manipulating him and brainwashing him in order to sexually assault and rape him. What a fucking bitch.

I am guessing Agia is actually the god of death maybe? I dropped this ages ago. Don't remember why. Was it to marinate cause things were to anxiety inducing? Anyway now that I read it again with much more life experience and experience as a reader on my back, I can tell, even without reading spoilers. Ver that motherfucker I swear....he deserves a painful death.

By the way, the comments scare me. Does it mean something is gonna happen and Ken is gonna all under this motherfuckers power again and become his mindless sex slave ?
