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Krissy May 17, 2024 2:54 pm

I don’t understand the purpose of not telling your very intelligent adult child that they have an illness.

    Ashkan May 17, 2024 10:50 pm

    To not make her sad and not letting her be with any worries so she can enjoy her live ig

    LESH May 17, 2024 11:49 pm

    Right??? And even now she would rather let daughter be used and abused rather than be honest, she is not protecting anyone with this shit and you can NOT convince me that her mother has no interest in the status boost the idiot duke will get the family

    bored_sloth May 19, 2024 7:45 pm

    Can someone explain what this part is about? I feel like I missed it

    Ochako May 24, 2024 1:39 pm
    Can someone explain what this part is about? I feel like I missed it bored_sloth

    This about how the FL's mother met the FL's maid Anna at the ball and said she only came bc she wanted to talk to Anna. Then Anna is seen giving FL a cup of tea and FL says the tea tastes different than usual and it has been sometime since she tasted tea like that.

    There is a spoiler that the FL is sick and her mother kept adding some medicine to her tea. The medicine is rare and only the Empress can give access to the medicine to the FL's mother. The Empress put a condition that FL has to marry her nephew if the FL's mother wants to keep recieving the medicine.

    bored_sloth May 24, 2024 6:20 pm
    This about how the FL's mother met the FL's maid Anna at the ball and said she only came bc she wanted to talk to Anna. Then Anna is seen giving FL a cup of tea and FL says the tea tastes different than usual a... Ochako


    bubbleTa May 24, 2024 7:35 pm
    This about how the FL's mother met the FL's maid Anna at the ball and said she only came bc she wanted to talk to Anna. Then Anna is seen giving FL a cup of tea and FL says the tea tastes different than usual a... Ochako

    OK I hate her a little less now.. still stupid hiding her illness from her tho