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What is this?

Cazador_de_sirenas May 17, 2024 3:53 pm

I looked up some random pages and it appears just like comedy to me. Which doesn't mean it's bad, but I want romance as well. Is there even anything romantic in this story?

    specird May 20, 2024 5:23 pm

    there is, they're just silly

    Cazador_de_sirenas May 20, 2024 7:12 pm
    there is, they're just silly specird

    But do they actually have the tiniest speck of love for each other? Or is just for the sake of sperm for Sunwoo and regret for the hyung? Because plot sounds a bit sad for comedy...

    specird May 20, 2024 7:34 pm
    But do they actually have the tiniest speck of love for each other? Or is just for the sake of sperm for Sunwoo and regret for the hyung? Because plot sounds a bit sad for comedy... Cazador_de_sirenas

    iirc mc said it was love at first sight but he had his priority to secure the sperm first lol. ml is just a tsundere. the romance will get more and more pronounced in later chapter. as of now (ch 12) ml told mc to stop calling him but when mc actually stopped he felt lonely lmao

    anyway, i dont think it was to the point of Love with capital L yet but they do have mutual attraction toward each other.