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the detachment that the characters seem to harbor for sihwa is starting to get on my nerve...

pinkpeach May 17, 2024 8:44 pm

the detachment that the characters seem to harbor for sihwa is starting to get on my nerves, i understand this is light-hearted and humorous, and he is an alien or whatever but it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. that boy is suffering, and yes at times he is ridiculously cute but just please be kind to him. he was just smashed on the head

    chuchulovelymunimunimuramura May 17, 2024 8:56 pm

    He's fine! The MC obviously cares about him plenty, he's trying to figure out the best solution for everyone even at his own expense. He doesn't WANT his dad to live with him and he doesn't WANT to leave his alien bf but from his perspective rn it's the most "responsible" move.

    buttcruncher May 17, 2024 9:38 pm

    it's sad but his family has always been pragmatic, cold, and clinical. sohan's the only person that really worries about him