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I like angst as much as the next person, but...

Forlorn May 18, 2024 12:54 am

As fuxked up as it is, i hope she dies (even though I know she wont.) Yes, I feel sorry for him, but it is disgusting to take it out on someone else, let alone someone who had no idea what was going on and was trying to be a decent person. There has been many a shifty male lead that has been horrible, but God damn this is the worst. I genuinely don't think there is anything he could do to actually redeem himself.

If he want the family to suffer so much, he could have went after the dad and tormented him. A child should not be blamed for the sins of the father.

    Forlorn May 18, 2024 7:08 am

    Just got up to date and I still feel the same way. You can understand someone who is pained by trauma and feel bad for them while also pointing out they are a peice of shit.

    You don't get to do bad things and get away with it just because you are mentally ill and people pity you.