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Remember when Sohan said after he paid all his dad's debts that he suddenly lost his purpo...

illveeyours May 18, 2024 1:21 am

Remember when Sohan said after he paid all his dad's debts that he suddenly lost his purpose in life? Then Siwah came aling with a mission to find his dad and him helping gave him another purpose. Then after reuniting with his dad and learning that Siwah's dad is dead made him lost again. Then when his dad wants him to help him through his money to rebuild their family brought him to a new purpose.

This poor guy holding on dearly to anything that will give him purpose bec he always felt being an excess baggage to someone else's life (his dad and mum's) and this will give him a feeling of being needed by someone.

That's the reason why I think Sohan isnt positive about Siwah taking him bec he is thinking he dont need him anymore for anything. Ofc if Siwah knows he needs him by side bec he loves him that would probably change everything but he doesnt. This is so sad.
