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Awful seme

Honeyxc2134 May 18, 2024 3:16 am

I actually dispise the seme. He was so rude and forceful but has the nerve to be mad at the uke?? And then the uke just forgives him?

Also what was the cookie thing about? His teacher gave him a seven cookie to... become his pair?

    sleepychii May 21, 2024 3:23 pm

    It was a muffin filled with..uh...something it shouldn't have been filled with. That's why the homemade muffin was a huge trigger. May 22, 2024 3:35 pm

    it was filled with the teachers baby batter which is fuckin gross as hell and it was a traumatizing situation for him so of course hed react like that towards the muffin. doesnt matter how many years pass the trauma and paranoia is still there