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Yikes again

chocobuun May 18, 2024 5:39 am

Looking back and reading the previous pages of the comments makes me cringe at the soobin defenders lmfao. Their best excuse is that “author knew soobin is better so they had to throw in the sa.”

These blind mfs had rose colored glasses on when looking at soobin the entire time. They didn’t like the ML so they tried to sugarcoat anything soobin acted as. Soobin had showed plenty of signs that he crossed boundaries as a friend by meddling and being nosy about the mc’s relationships. Before the actual SA chapter happened, soobin had been around drunk mc before and was so close to kissing him until he was interrupted. He had several times showing that he was a ticking time bomb. His character and behavior reminded me of so many 2nd ML childhood friends that eventually snap and cross the line. Now the soobin defenders are mad and blame the author. It was not out of character. It didn’t come out of nowhere. They just didn’t want to admit to seeing the signs.
