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I am glad we have a protag that is kind of... mid??? When it comes to being powerful that ...

ThotChocolate May 18, 2024 5:51 am

I am glad we have a protag that is kind of... mid??? When it comes to being powerful that is. I really hope something happens to where he gets super powerful, like some sort of revelation or something eventually because I really want to see our mc succeed. Idc if he's op or just powerful enough to protect himself and his mother, I just want him to be able to be his snarky self for as long as possible!

    ᴄʜᴜᴜ May 18, 2024 6:59 pm

    it really is refreshing because it’s so evident the mc has his own strengths and weaknesses. compared to others where the mc is op and has pretty much everything handed to them gets boring pretty fast tbh !

    ThotChocolate May 18, 2024 7:47 pm
    it really is refreshing because it’s so evident the mc has his own strengths and weaknesses. compared to others where the mc is op and has pretty much everything handed to them gets boring pretty fast tbh ! ᴄʜᴜᴜ

    YES!!!!! I agree!!! I feel like the mc has no idea about his own strengths, or at least doesn't know how to utilize them. Whereas yeah other protags are fun but it gets boring quick.

    Lucas May 19, 2024 10:43 am

    Yes, I'm so addicted to this because of Cheongdo like he doesn't get super strong and not flawless unlike others. He is not that weak but not strong. He is just in the middle. Chilling with the geniuses. Even he got knowledge of future. He can't even abuse it.