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I haaate frog, I once lose consciousness cause a frog jumped into me, illustration and vid...

Rosette May 18, 2024 1:10 pm

I haaate frog, I once lose consciousness cause a frog jumped into me, illustration and video of frog icks me and I tend to skip. . . But feel bad for this one ╥﹏╥ it's not even cute, but imagine being all alone then someone came and try to eat youuuuuu

    Natuchipss May 18, 2024 5:32 pm

    I'm genuinely scared of toads and frogs in general. Not because I think they'll hurt me but because of the thought of 'what if' they jump on me, since they disgust me.

    I was once in the same room as a little toad/frog smaller than my pinky, it wasn't even close to me but I was on the verge of crying because I was afraid it'll get anywhere near me and when it disappeared, I lost my shit, I jumped across the room while screaming, opened the door and ran for my dear life. I didn't get anywhere near that room for at least 3 days.

    Rosette May 19, 2024 3:05 pm
    I'm genuinely scared of toads and frogs in general. Not because I think they'll hurt me but because of the thought of 'what if' they jump on me, since they disgust me. I was once in the same room as a little to... Natuchipss

    I feel yoooouuuu ╥﹏╥, frogs tend to go inside of our family house like in the kitchen whenever it rains, you bet I'm in my room locked up.
    You know that feeling in your skin when you're in the same space with a frog and imaging it jumping on you and touching you. I know mostly of them are harmless but liikee.

    Sidenote: I once ate fried frog meat cause of my papa calling it chicken, Oh the cry I made that time.