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rereading this, and I will say it again. I FEEL SO BAD FOR THE SECOND PRINCE!! There, I sa...

Yuki May 18, 2024 2:20 pm

rereading this, and I will say it again. I FEEL SO BAD FOR THE SECOND PRINCE!! There, I said it!
Don't get me wrong, he has his creppy/psycho moments but I feel so bad that he will never get to know nor experience love. And that the King knew and regrets neglecting him, and the princess saying 'everyone knows how much you love him' - well apparently not, Jacob doens't know shit!

Jacob is my favourite villain, cause he is so well written. I really love the way he is written. And it pains me so much to see him getting treated like that and that he thinks his family hates him - which there are some truth to. It can NEVER be Jacobs fault that he was born. And he definitely did not deserve the treatment he got because of his fathers actions.

There is so much character to him compared to many other villains.


I bawl every time when he let's go off Bianca when they hang from the balcony and he says 'Goodbye Bianca' before letting go of her - He deserved better! FUCKING WELL WRITTEN VILLIAN! (/TДT)/
