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She's getting annoying

hikari May 18, 2024 4:02 pm

I'm still at 60 but seriously, she's acting like everything she does is for the best. Yes, he's the "main character" of a novel, but to use him and dumped him with an excuse that he'll prolly live a normal life because she's already done with that part of the plot or whatsoever, and he's barely the main character anymore?? HE'S THE MALE CHARACTER, THAT WORLD REVOLVES HIM!

Goodness, you're the one who deviated from the plot, not him. Pi understood (and hinted that he's the same). He had a point. You did that to him, you gave him a reason to continue living. Now you're baffled?You changed his life (literally) and gained his trust. Talk about massive betrayal. Bffr. You can't just give someone a reason to live, dump him, and then he'll just move on! That's not how it works! And now you're confused and obviously annoyed why he's so fixated on your other identity? I mean, yes, he's walking the red flag pathway, but the more you deny him of the only reason for his existence, the more he'll search for it. Is that even hard to understand??? Give the guy a break, he doesn't deserve this, as much as you did not deserve what your father did to you.

Seriously, dunno if she's an idiot, or just self-centered.

P.S. This is just my frustration because of what I noticed. I know some people might argue because Axel is certainly becoming uncontrolled, but understand his standpoint. However, he's still exorbitant. People can empathize without condoning. I'm neither of both sides.

    hikari May 18, 2024 4:13 pm

    I dunno if I can continue reading this if she continues doing this. I want a deviation from the plot that benefits everyone, not just Aria. She's basically becoming her selfmade god at this point and overpowering the original plot. Sad to say, with her character? She became the villain to me, manipulating everyone for her own sake. I know it's for her survival, but damn, how can someone be so oblivious and indifferent at the same time? She seemed like a smart FML, but she's treating everyone as "characters" without feelings. That's why she got it so hard understanding why Axel felt and acted like that.

    hikari May 18, 2024 4:35 pm

    I know I'm like trashing FML rn because of frustration, but seriously, her attitude doesn't make sense! Axel thought that she wanted him to get stronger, and so he did. The first thought that came to his mind when he saw her favoring other people is "Are they stronger than me?". He thought that the only thing that binds him and the others to Aria is how useful they are to her. That's how messed up Aria did to him. She put him into his place and suddenly, gave him wings when he can barely fly. The sudden shift? It was all one-sided.

    Sorry, I have more frustration over the FML than the ML rn. Especially with this story. I usually sympathize FMLs because MLs are usually the same, old crazy dudes.

    Imagine having a good time and all of a sudden, someone cut you off their life? Plus the fact that she knew his issues (no one can dare say no to this one because that's practically the plot), that's why she thought that she can deviate his part of the plot. That eventually backfired because "surprisingly" she can't handle him Σ(  ̄□ ̄||). He's basically the center of the novel, that world! LOL

    Author, I know you wanted drama and action, but you're making the FML a douchebag rn. Both their part cannot justify how they're literal trashes rn! I love the art, but the plot, they're not as justified as you think. The ML is ruined to the path of maniac (not pervert) and the FML is a smart, but not witty, self-served reincarnate.

    hikari May 18, 2024 4:38 pm


    Studied psychology and still frustrated over some overused manhwa plots. Bffr. LOL. Hope everything will turn out better, especially once it's completed! Have a good read, everyone! Bye for now!

    Kei-Khun ChanXiuHyun June 7, 2024 4:29 am

    I dropped this of her after all. Hahaha just checking if she's going well but it seems she's not