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i understand that she’s been abused but why not tell ANYONE at all especially since she ...

opulentswan May 18, 2024 4:08 pm

i understand that she’s been abused but why not tell ANYONE at all especially since she can’t fight against Caesar on her own. i need to see that bastard get flogged at least 10x as much as he’s done her. FUCK HIM

    yulin May 19, 2024 8:13 am





    Rubi has major trust issues from her past three lives and that Caesar mf has whipped her like crazy ballsacks for 2 lifetimes with nobody protecting her or even simply standing up for her . And Caesar has more power and influence than her. He is almost like a prince of the kingdom. And yeah I AM WAITING FOR THAT FUCKING MF TO GET WHIPPED AT LEAST 100000 X HE DID TO RUBI,