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the love triangle is so ambiguous

yams May 18, 2024 4:22 pm

i’ve never read a shoujo with a love triangle more indecisive… every time i thought it was certain az was endgame, things would swing to sett, and vice versa. like in this last arc, i was leaning towards sett because of his unwavering support towards nina (and also bc tbh i prefer him lmao). but i see now how they’re setting az up for an antagonistic character arc - one that only nina could save him from. which, narratively speaking, is interesting, but also kinda devastating as a sett/nina enjoyer. my hopeful bet is that nina saves az out loyalty and devotion for her first love, but ultimately chooses the man who chose her at her lowest point… i don’t think i can bear to see her pick az over sett fr T_T
