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umm... why are people immediately jumping to conclusions after reading a spoiler inferred ...

hachi leaf May 18, 2024 7:02 pm

umm... why are people immediately jumping to conclusions after reading a spoiler inferred to you by someone else? what he's doing is pissing me off as well but we don't even know what's gonna happen next nor the context of everything's that's happening. yall are relying on untranslated RAWS. this could very well be the make or break for the relationship and if the author handles the conclusion well, then the process is all good. we don't know shit yet, we haven't experienced shit yet, but we're all already willing to conclude the story will be shit just because some characters couldn't read the room and is ignorant about things despite genuinely wanting to help? seems like a normal human behavior to me tbh

    hachi leaf May 18, 2024 7:04 pm

    also obviously characters need GROWTH. and if this is one way the author makes it so the couple can finally understand each other better while staying true to their original tendencies, then it's all good. anyone who wishes everything is laid down perfect from the get go is so in their fantasies.

    Gravenshi May 18, 2024 7:20 pm

    Short story short : you are pissed.
    Me : I want to read the spoilers, being true or false.

    pwgd3 May 18, 2024 8:04 pm

    Fujos have no literary abilities unfortunately

    Kurugiri-san May 18, 2024 8:49 pm

    You're totally right
    Maybe they are too young to understand that this manhua is a gem, we rarely see one with such realistic development and in a healthy way
    Love it

    Danieka May 18, 2024 10:08 pm

    I translated the raws myself and while it’s not perfect it’s enough for me to understand what’s happening. I’m quite confident in my media literacy and ability to comprehend some simple art panels and reference points. Just because I don’t like a plot development doesn’t mean I don’t like the work itself, that’s YOUR inference putting words in our mouths. Some of us have different opinions and that’s life. :) I’m still very much looking forward to the mangaka resolving this situation because I personally think the MC is fucking stupid and I pity Inwoo, so I’m hoping whatever trick the mangaka pulls out will make the ending that much better.

    Sobbingcyringspitting May 19, 2024 3:38 am
    Fujos have no literary abilities unfortunately pwgd3

    hachi leaf May 19, 2024 6:29 am
    I translated the raws myself and while it’s not perfect it’s enough for me to understand what’s happening. I’m quite confident in my media literacy and ability to comprehend some simple art panels and r... Danieka

    if you felt like I was talking to YOU personally then that's your fault lmfao. I never singled out anybody and I'm talking about people who immediately said they're dropping the story and that the author is fumbling, all these "but it was going so well why did they have to do this"! not my fault you felt like it was an attack to you

    Danieka May 19, 2024 7:26 am
    if you felt like I was talking to YOU personally then that's your fault lmfao. I never singled out anybody and I'm talking about people who immediately said they're dropping the story and that the author is fum... hachi leaf

    I never spoke to you directly? I was speaking to all of the people on this thread. And I didn’t feel attacked at all, hence the smiley face to get across the amicable feelings. I understand how open forums work. You need to work on yourself before telling others how to be introspective and interactive, friend. Don’t post commentary if you don’t want people to interact with it. But to the point of “it was going so well, why did this happen” that’s pretty common when readers get comfortable I’d say, but this author is good and this is a quality work so I doubt anyone is actually dropping it.

    hachi leaf May 19, 2024 7:59 am
    I never spoke to you directly? I was speaking to all of the people on this thread. And I didn’t feel attacked at all, hence the smiley face to get across the amicable feelings. I understand how open forums wo... Danieka

    lol you're the one putting words in my mouth. im correcting you, not saying you interacting with my comment is forbidden. don't get it twisted. if you wanted to reply to the people under my replies, tag and reply to them. and it's quite obvious you're talking to me cause you're literally referencing the words I used in my comment, I'm not stupid. also stop being so defensive. you're the one who can't handle talking properly cause you're literally the one who resorted to accusing and putting words in other people's mouth first

    hachi leaf May 19, 2024 8:02 am

    "work on yourself before-" says the person who aggressively responds to a comment that's not even directed at them, funny. oh if you're not one of the people I was describing, why so pressed? "i know how forums work" says the person who can't even use the reply function properly

    Danieka May 19, 2024 8:06 am
    "work on yourself before-" says the person who aggressively responds to a comment that's not even directed at them, funny. oh if you're not one of the people I was describing, why so pressed? "i know how forums... hachi leaf

    Where do you keep finding this aggression you’re mentioned? Alright, have a nice night making up your own narratives and being worked up by yourself lol I’m done responding.

    Danieka May 19, 2024 8:07 am
    Where do you keep finding this aggression you’re mentioned? Alright, have a nice night making up your own narratives and being worked up by yourself lol I’m done responding. Danieka


    Gravenshi May 19, 2024 11:37 pm
    lol you're the one putting words in my mouth. im correcting you, not saying you interacting with my comment is forbidden. don't get it twisted. if you wanted to reply to the people under my replies, tag and rep... hachi leaf

    I think you misunderstood Danieka... greatly. "not my fault you felt like it was an attack to you" They never felt or insinuated something like that.

    If you doubt my words, here is the analysis run by AI of both your interactions for the sake of "objectivity" : (1st/3rd = Danika while 2d/4th = Hachi)

    First Reply: The tone is assertive and defensive but does not attack anyone personally. It aims to clarify the writer’s own views and defend against perceived criticism.

    Second Reply: This reply is more aggressive and confrontational. It shifts responsibility for feeling attacked onto the recipient and criticizes their response style. This reply escalates the tension by adopting a more combative stance.

    Third Reply: While firm and slightly condescending, it attempts to clarify the original intentions and provides advice on forum interactions. It tries to de-escalate the situation by explaining the use of a smiley face and the nature of open forum discussions.

    Fourth Reply: Highly confrontational and accusatory. Directly mocks and attacks the other person, escalating the conflict further. The tone is aggressive and dismissive, making it the most personal and combative of all the replies.

    Fault Analysis:
    Primary Escalation: The second reply introduces a more aggressive tone, escalating the tension.
    Continued Escalation: The fourth reply further escalates the conflict with personal attacks and mockery.

    While the initial misunderstanding and defensiveness in the first reply are understandable, the significant escalation occurs with the second reply's confrontational approach. The fourth reply continues this escalation, making it clear that the person who wrote the second and fourth replies is primarily at fault for the aggressive and confrontational tone, which intensified the conflict.

    hachi leaf May 20, 2024 5:57 pm
    I think you misunderstood Danieka... greatly. "not my fault you felt like it was an attack to you" They never felt or insinuated something like that.If you doubt my words, here is the analysis run by AI of both... Gravenshi

    why all this? even the AI says danieka was the one who misunderstood first. AI literally said they were defending themselves against criticism. who exactly criticized danieka? why did they felt criticized when my comment is directed at people who're saying they're dropping the story and fees like it's going shit because of a realistic plot point? even relying on your own comprehension will tell you they were directing that reply at me. no one else in the replies mentioned "liking the work"

    they literally said "Just because I don’t like a plot development doesn’t mean I don’t like the work itself, that’s YOUR inference putting words in our mouths." they're literally the first one who's putting words in my mouth yet they dare say I'M putting words in their mouth? they're not the one I'm referring to, they SHOULD not feel attacked but they're accusing me of inferring their comments as something else. I'm not stupid and I believe you're not too.

    hachi leaf May 20, 2024 6:04 pm

    @danieka just because you choose to run away whilst thinking you're not the one who started shit, literally reread your first reply. I'm not dumb

    "Just because I don’t like a plot development doesn’t mean I don’t like the work itself, that’s YOUR inference putting words in our mouths."

    who else mentioned liking the work? no one but me. did you tag anyone? no you didn't, you replied directly to ME. and your reply to ME was saying that I was putting words in YOUR mouth. if you still like the work then obviously my comment is not directed at you? you're the one accusing me of something I did not say first, you expect me to just let that go? don't treat me like I'm dumb.

    Gravenshi May 20, 2024 7:15 pm
    why all this? even the AI says danieka was the one who misunderstood first. AI literally said they were defending themselves against criticism. who exactly criticized danieka? why did they felt criticized when ... hachi leaf

    It seems you might be experiencing confirmation bias or struggling with literacy skills in general.

    To clarify:
    -- The misunderstanding Danieka was addressing in their first reply involved defending their perspective, which is perfectly natural. They were responding to criticism in a way that aimed to clear up what they saw as a misconception.
    --There's nothing unusual about someone defending their views in such a situation. It’s unnecessary to take this personally and raise a petty fuss.

    You are projecting your feelings onto them. They did not feel attacked; you did. You are the only one fueling this issue. That’s why they left the conversation, as you were attributing feelings and intentions to them that they did not express.

    There is no need to act like a victim, especially when you are actively seeking confrontation over someone simply explaining their perspective. This behavior is counterproductive. They have already left the conversation, so it’s best to move on and focus on something more productive.

    hachi leaf May 21, 2024 6:09 pm
    It seems you might be experiencing confirmation bias or struggling with literacy skills in general.To clarify:-- The misunderstanding Danieka was addressing in their first reply involved defending their perspec... Gravenshi

    girl you're missing the whole point. it was danieka who first started accusing me of putting words in their mouth when i never singled out anybody nor was referring to people still liking the work (you're the one who's dented if you don't see that with your own eyes and rely on AI to try and see through conversations). if anything it's you and danieka that lacks literacy.

    are you their second account? cause why dick ride over some stranger this hard when they're clearly the one who instigated this shit. also stop using AI to respond

    hachi leaf May 21, 2024 6:11 pm

    just because something was said with euphemism doesn't dismiss the fact they literally said i was putting words in their mouth by "saying they don't like the work anymore" when in the first place if they still do then my comment is clearly not directed at them? if you couldn't catch that then I'd worry about your own literacy than mine tbh!

    if someone accuses me of something I did not do, I won't back down and watch. I'll go correct them and you have no say in that

    Gravenshi May 21, 2024 10:01 pm

    Are you done? Done throwing a tantrum? They have already left the conversation, yet you seem unable to let go, as if their memory haunts you like a lingering ghost.

    I used AI once to show you that even a computer can objectively tell they weren't taking things personal like you do, with your "boohoohoohoo" crybaby drama.

    If your reading skills were as good as you claim, you would have realized that I already told you that you were upset way before and then that you misunderstood their take with the same angry energy - anchoring bias.

    I neither agree nor disagree with Danieka, but I find it perplexing to see someone attacking a person who has already moved on after expressing their views with less tension than you are bringing.

    You make a lot of assumptions, showing again your lack of thought process, like assuming I am a girl, that I am AI-written or that I could be Danieka's second account, and who knows what other fantasies you want to believe are true. You are can believe lies, but can't expect others to go along with them.

    Regardless, feel free to keep up the pettiness. You are doing an amazing job of "making up your own narratives and getting worked up by yourself." Pure gold entertainment. Now, let see if you keep lashing out at my ghost.

    hachi leaf May 22, 2024 6:25 pm

    again, it wasn't me who attacked first i wouldnt have continued this if you weren't dickriding for a stranger that started shit first. I said this a couple of times already so get it through your head maybe?

    I was amicable when I first explained my side to you and then you started saying I lack literacy hello? not someone who relies on AI saying that maybe if you guys stopped jumping to conclusions and then masking your attack with euphemism whilst acting like you meant no harm then maybe I would've let it go but nahh.

    call it tantrum or whatever you like but kids who start shit, will get shit, okay?

    also hell nah you both COINCIDENTALLY blocked me from replying. this has never happened before and I'm convinced this is just your alt account, I'm crying