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Somethings not adding up

Motto May 18, 2024 7:07 pm

Why are people saying fl is annoying and that's she's dumb ,someone even told that fl trauma dumped ml...

Fl isn't leading on ml and has made her intention very clear and ml has also made it very clear that love is useless for someone of their postion.

They both have different goals ,so going on their own way is the best for them .

Some of ya all are awalys being too much to female leads in general.
Fl could be abused and some of ya all would say she's weak and pathetic.

    Yourmom May 18, 2024 11:10 pm

    who even said that Penelope is like one of the best fl in this genre

    Motto May 19, 2024 3:44 am
    who even said that Penelope is like one of the best fl in this genre Yourmom

    If you look below my post you can see @HarkeyQRaven saying fl trauma dumped ml when all he did was "offer a helping hand"