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They had good times????

GZ. May 18, 2024 9:49 pm

The way in the season finale the author put a little scene of them playing a game saying they've had good times together????? When??? Are we reading the same thing?? If the authors gonna say such things then they should actually show it during the story, I feel like I'm being gaslit ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    SweetSummerChild May 19, 2024 8:35 am

    Fr bro.. She probably realized that there was no good memories, meaning that there was absolutely no sane reason for Dannie to actually love JJK

    Emera May 19, 2024 2:42 pm

    She's probably gonna make a bunch of shit up in s2
    And pretend it wasn't that bad

    Honestly I think she included no nice times because the fans were screaming at her so much she decided to be even worse lol but when writers get influenced like that it's their own loss

    Min May 19, 2024 4:58 pm
    She's probably gonna make a bunch of shit up in s2 And pretend it wasn't that bad Honestly I think she included no nice times because the fans were screaming at her so much she decided to be even worse lol but ... Emera

    you're absolutely right.

    GZ. May 24, 2024 2:29 pm
    She's probably gonna make a bunch of shit up in s2 And pretend it wasn't that bad Honestly I think she included no nice times because the fans were screaming at her so much she decided to be even worse lol but ... Emera

    She probably will, one of the things I hate most is when the author tries to brush over stuff they've written.

    I read fucked up stuff, I know its fucked up and acknowledge that, so she can at least do the same. If you want to write that type of story, sure go for it, just don't be surprised when readers criticise your lack of character development and planning.

    I already fully know that she's going to add a redepetion arc which probably still wont acknowledge the full impact boxer guy's (forgot his name) actions had on Dan. She'll probably skim over it and he'll save Dan from some other guy, say sorry not sorry and bam they're in love. I hope it doesn't go that way and that she actually puts effort into it.

    Emera May 25, 2024 3:36 pm
    She probably will, one of the things I hate most is when the author tries to brush over stuff they've written.I read fucked up stuff, I know its fucked up and acknowledge that, so she can at least do the same. ... GZ.

    Yeah I don't have much faith in her ability to have a cohesive transition to the next arc. I'm absolutely only here because I'm waiting to read the redemption arc. I refuse to read this until I know for sure he stops being an asshole.

    I've read tons of fucked up shit too and yeah I'm there for the fucked up aspect but I like them to come out on top after going through that. Not trauma porn.

    That's a really good point you make about she should be able to do the same. Especially when writing a story like this. Why even write something like this if you're going to brush over everything instead of acknowledging it.....

    I'm really hoping she takes a page from low tide and twilight and make jjk realize and genuinely sorry for the bullshit he's always on. Again I don't have much faith in her. The 180 in bj Alex comes to mind here. I hope Dan doesn't just jump into his arms if he says "sorry my bad, but I like you tho"

    All the stuff that made readers see red is negative. Jjk is in the negative. He needs to pay his dues or it's just a trash story where a hot guy acts like a piece of shit and comes out on top. Yay. 10/10 plot