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Thought this was just gonna be wholesome

~niceness~ May 18, 2024 10:31 pm

Read this shit because I thought that the main character looked very cute, the artstyle was also super cute and because the plot seemed cute and now that I have read it I wanna say everything I think:

I don’t like Kurosaki. He’s literally a huge red flag guys. He pushes Mako’s boundaries so much it’s so annoying. And also all his talk about “not being able to hold back” was so gross like seriously dude it isn’t hard to not assault somebody KEEP IT IN YOUR PANTS OML And then he did assault her and then was like omg what I have I done like yeah u piece of shit why tf did u do that ??? Also when he said “don’t you think you’re showing way too much skin” to Mako when it’s literally just her shoulders was so gross too ☹ it’s her body u weirdo my girlie can wear whatever she wants And then was like “don’t wear stuff like this when I’m not around” EEWWWWWWWW. Also guys I’m sorry but some of the things he said was so cringe inducing to me like when he pointed out how small her hands were the “I can finally touch you” when it literally wasn’t that long since they last did was weird to me also Idk why but it made him sound like a vampire or something the “I want you” who says that There was probably more stuff I wanted to say about him but I can’t remember anymore
And also I wish they had more build up to their relationship like I just feel like it was very fast, we only got a flash back to why he likes her, that shit should have been a full chapter at least. And more interesting please. Like maybe she helped him out one time ages ago before he was popular or something idk I just feel like it was very bland. Also I wish the confession scene was better, was very anticlimactic. Really wish it was more dramatic or something. There’s probably more I have to say about shit but I’ve ran out of brain power now so anyway, yeah
Thanks for reading my rant if u did
