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I’ve become a radical crossbow truther

minitoma May 18, 2024 11:33 pm

Look folks I’m only on chapter 22 but I have already been radicalized into believing that tae knocking that crossbow out of the hands of that brave european guy tryna kill ilay was a heinous, thoughtless act equivalent to that of knocking the gun out of hitlers hands before he could commit suicide. In that moment he stalled revolution, betrayed his comrades, destroyed the life of a brave selfless soldier who was simply trying to rid the world of senseless evil, and ultimately stopped humanity from taking one step closer to world peace. What a shame, Tae, what a shame.

    minitoma May 21, 2024 6:16 am

    Also forgot to add, death by the crossbow still would have been a total win win situation for Ilay cuz dying mid blow job sounds like a totally gnarly way to die. Like if I were Ilay I wouldn’t be mad.