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I have a spark of hope in my brain but a lifetime of doubt strapped to my heart. Can I eve...

Yunalynn May 19, 2024 12:35 am

I have a spark of hope in my brain but a lifetime of doubt strapped to my heart. Can I ever achieve what I want? I've been trying my hardest for the past 6 years. All I wanted was your attention, all I wanted was to make you proud, so why do you despise it so much when I didn't get first place in everything?? Do you want me to be first place in the list of those going to die? Why, why can't you just be proud of me! You say I'm an embarrassment because I wasn't smart, I was an embarrassment because I wasn't pretty. Can you please try to fathom me? Can't you see I've been doing my best? CAN'T you see that I'm struggling. I'm holding it together, im bottling up... Just a bit more and I won't be here to get what you want.
