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HRAensn May 19, 2024 3:02 am

Even if it is a fiction story, doesn’t mean it isn’t deep, it is realistic and that’s what matters. Also Skylar and Cirrus are both in the wrong. And anyone who encourages physical violence, you’re not helping but encouraging the abusive cycle.

—Blocked Chan-il’s number out of insecurity
—Clingy and emotionally attached
—Threw a can at Skylar out of jealousy seeing Chan-il and Skylar talking
—Provoked Skylar and brought up Minwoo (although he clearly doesn’t have an idea of what his trauma is, he sucks at connecting the dots)

—Physical violence issues/anger (has hit Cirrus multiple times even before this situation. And this beating he did went too far (but his reaction was valid)
—Distant and reserved, not ready to open up, Cirrus feels like he isn’t loved because of that and wonders if it’s because of another guy
—Called him a second choice (didn’t mean it, he loves Cirrus, and lied), making Cirrus’s fears come to life in his mind. (Where Cirrus thinks Skylar doesn’t love him)

There are readers here who baby Cirrus and excuse his actions, hating on Skylar and there are readers who hate on Cirrus and encourage physical violence.

    Almondsz May 19, 2024 4:53 am

    Finally somebody who gets me