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baphienaxxx May 19, 2024 4:02 am

SORRY BUTTT, Taejoon HAS TO BE the endgame to Yeongwoo. They need to fix their issues together because look how they treated each other at the end of season 1 when Yeongwoo thought Taejoon died in the car accident. YEONGWOO FELT HIS HEART BROKEN, HE PANICKED, HE ALMOST FAINTED. Also, the way they been together for YEARS, Yeongwoo dumped his girl back then, and now we know Taejoon also dumped his girl (maybe fianceé). Like, I know they have this toxic codependency, but i think they have to fix it because they cannot live without each other. Imagine if they decide to go separate ways without healing that, they will at the end be thinking of each other even if they go to another solar system, get married and start a new life or some shit like that

The thing is, with Yeongwoo being this close to Joe now, i don't really think he will catch feelings at this point. Even with the cute things they been doing, Yeongwoo will not be catching true and sane feeling for Joe. From my point of view, Yeongwoo only likes Joe because of his kind heart and good sex, no other thing. Joe is not the kind of man that will see the worst side of you, the worst thing you can do, and will stay with you, take a bullet for you. Yeah, he is kind, compasive, brave, and all of that. But does he know how to face the underground? Does he know how to live with the demons of Yeongwoo? He doesn't. But Taejoon surely does.

Taejoon saw Yeongwoo at his lowest, and he is still there watching over him. They belong to each other at this point. That's my final comment about this. Hope Yeongwoo and Taejoon end up together and find peace far away from that underground life. (︶︿︶)

    alaynalol May 19, 2024 7:27 pm


    HRAensn May 20, 2024 5:46 am

    I mean it’s not really fair to compare their history cause the length of how long you’ve known each other doesn’t exactly make a winning factor. Especially considering that they’ve been together 2 decades and haven’t made much progress in their relationship. They only talk through sex.

    “But does he know how to face the underground?” The thing is, I feel like some readers forget but, Ian doesn’t want to be in the underground and Jo can help with that clearly. He’s living a normal life, Ian has said he wants to leave the gang world and live a normal life.

    It’s too early to judge and say Jo can’t handle Ian cause it’s only what, 2nd season? We have two more seasons. He’s already gaining desires and sleeping with Ian who clearly has someone else in mind, and he knows he sleeps around too.

    The possibility of Ian falling for Jo isn’t 0.

    “Joe is not the kind of man that will see the worst side of you, the worst thing you can do, and will stay with you, take a bullet for you.” —Again, too early of a judgment. Jo being kind is enough, he doesn’t have to be shot to prove his worth. Nor does TJ but I think I get what you’re saying. It’s just hard to tell and predict that.

    I do hope that IF Author makes TJ endgame, it’s a nice ending and not some tragic bullshit cause I’m gonna go afk from mangago for a year.

    HRAensn May 20, 2024 6:18 am

    Oh and, Jo saying that he sticks by Ian and that he is doing that. And that he will worry when something happens.

    HRAensn May 20, 2024 6:26 am

    My second reply source is in ch 47: and someone said this which I agree:

    IAN: "Aren't you worried...? Staying by my side like this. If... somethign were to happen, you could get hurt, too."
    So Jo is aware of the fact that by Ian looking for TJ and by Ian choosing not to leave TJ's life, his own life could be in danger. Jo is also aware of the fact that he's in a non-exlusive casual relationship. So can people stop treating Jo like a child so unaware of his circumstances that Ian is using him and dragging him in a relationship and situations he doesn't truly want to be in?

    alaynalol May 20, 2024 8:55 am
    My second reply source is in ch 47: and someone said this which I agree: IAN: "Aren't you worried...? Staying by my side like this. If... somethign were to happen, you could get hurt, too."So Jo is aware of the... HRAensn

    U said that so beautifully I Almost started crying. I did not mean to compare These two Characters because each of them have their good Things and Bad Things. I just think Tj suits Ian better not only because of All the history they have but also because Ian needs Tj and Tj needs Ian. So yes Sure they want to let each other go, but deep down they will never be able to Lose interest for the other completly.
    I js think perhaps Ian ends up Falling in love with Jo because he was there at his lowest point when he was a wreck due to Tj. But I'd say even if, he Would still have somewhat Feelings for Tj.

    But ofc I don't know but personally I think Tj suits him better ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    HRAensn May 20, 2024 9:03 am
    U said that so beautifully I Almost started crying. I did not mean to compare These two Characters because each of them have their good Things and Bad Things. I just think Tj suits Ian better not only because ... alaynalol

    But TJ doesn’t suit his life style unfortunately. “Ian needs Tj and Tj needs Ian. So yes Sure they want to let each other go, but deep down they will never be able to Lose interest for the other completly.“

    Because of their codependency which formed from their traumas. They have yet to resolve that. I hope they resolve them traumas and we will see if Ian still has feelings in season 3, author reveals endgame there

    alaynalol May 20, 2024 1:47 pm
    But TJ doesn’t suit his life style unfortunately. “Ian needs Tj and Tj needs Ian. So yes Sure they want to let each other go, but deep down they will never be able to Lose interest for the other completly.�... HRAensn

    Yes. Atp I just want Ian to be happy

    Bella May 21, 2024 8:07 am

    I'm fine with you hoping for TJ to be the endgame because that's your preference but I'm not okay with you downplaying Jo like that because you are talking about the same Jo that went out to look for Chris (unarmed) in chapter 11. Jo was completely unfazed & not scared or intimidated by the presence of gang members. He does not gaf. The same Jo who snapped at Yangji when they brought up Mia. This shows that he's extremely protective and loyal of his loved ones. He only will use force and violent when you give him a reason. So for god sake don't expect him to be like TJ because Jo is the first person to ask Ian why he killed his subordinate.

    What do you mean Ian likes Jo because of sex? Like dude, they don't even have constant sex lol compared to Ian with TJ.

    He hasn't given a chance to see the worst side of Ian and Jo still doesn't know anything about Ian or his past. You don't come to a conclusion because we have more seasons to go lol. According to the synopsis Jo will be the one to jump into the dangerous life. He's not a child lol. He is a man with a gun and he knows how to kill.

    alaynalol May 21, 2024 2:24 pm
    I'm fine with you hoping for TJ to be the endgame because that's your preference but I'm not okay with you downplaying Jo like that because you are talking about the same Jo that went out to look for Chris (una... Bella

    I never downplayed Jo? And I never said that that Ian only likes Jo because of Sex? I'm just saying that I think the bond between Tj and Jo is Deeper. I hope that Tj and Ian will be the endgame but I also think that Jo will be the endgame with Ian because the Thing they have is New and fresher. They don't have a dark past together like Ian and Tj do. And soon Ian will realise that he needs Ian just as much as he needs Tj. Jo is the only one who is by Ians side rn eventhough he knows that Ian doesn't feel the same about him and that he still Holds feelings for Tj.

    Anyway I really did not want to downplay Jo and let others think that in my opinion he is a child. So sorry abt that.

    alaynalol May 21, 2024 2:25 pm
    I never downplayed Jo? And I never said that that Ian only likes Jo because of Sex? I'm just saying that I think the bond between Tj and Jo is Deeper. I hope that Tj and Ian will be the endgame but I also think... alaynalol

    Tj and Ian is deeper*

    baphienaxxx May 22, 2024 12:38 am
    My second reply source is in ch 47: and someone said this which I agree: IAN: "Aren't you worried...? Staying by my side like this. If... somethign were to happen, you could get hurt, too."So Jo is aware of the... HRAensn

    I didn't think my comment would get THAT much debate, but oh well.

    "Especially considering that they've been together 2 decades and haven't made much progress in their relationship. They only talk through sex." I really think "making progress" in the relationship you interpret it differently than I do, because making progress in a relationship I feel like you mean it by the fact that they've spent 20+ years together and still don't have something "formal", but in the context of the situation they don't really need to be a formal couple or anything. And no, they don't just talk through sex, too much has happened between them outside of sex to say they are only interested in that. They have like 20 years together for a reason and they couldn't be separated, don't you think? Taejoon left the person he was with, Yeongwoo did too, they both care about each other, they take care of each other when they are sick, they saved each other's lives, they are the first one they go to for help or need, they weren't with anyone else (except when into Yeongwoo's life came Joe) what other proof could you ask for?

    Yeongwoo wants to leave the mob world, of course he does, but it's really not a world you can come out of unscathed and untroubled without facing trouble in the future, with gangs, with criminals, thugs and guns. Is Joe ready for that? Or is he just someone brave who thinks he can? I'm of the latter opinion. Yeongwoo wants to leave that life, but just because Joe can "help" him doesn't mean he's the right person. He has to get out of that life alone, not under the help of someone who hasn't even faced those environments and doesn't deeply know what it's all like.

    "It's too early to judge and say Jo can't handle Ian cause it's only what, 2nd season? We have two more seasons. He's already gaining desires and sleeping with Ian who clearly has someone else in mind, and he knows he sleeps around too." I think at this point there has been way, way too much content to be able to talk about and craft an informed opinion with facts when it comes to this manhwa. We've seen Yeongwoo with Joe and with Taejoon, and even the way he thinks, look at each other and even have sex with them is completely different with Joe and Taejoon. Even Yeongwoo has abandoned entire plans with Joe for immediately going to see Taejoon. Let's not forget that part. On the other hand, Joe really knows NOTHING about Yeongwoo except that he was a gangster, has a dark past and wants to get out of it. Absolutely nothing else, how can he be sure he likes someone beyond sex, if he doesn't know him from much? Joe doesn't want exclusivity or anything like that, and if he has wanted it, he hasn't even shown it strongly. Yeongwoo isn't even loyal to either of them to begin with.

    The end of this manhwa is nowhere near, but if under some circumstance author decides to have Joe and Yeongwoo stay together, Doyak has to do quite a bit of work, character development, redemption arc and all that so that he can justify that ending, because from the rest, Yeongwoo belongs completely to Taejoon so far. Even being with Joe, he thinks about him.

    Another point I should clarify is that I don't talk about Joe as a child, don't get me wrong, at no point did I ever consider him a child or someone who doesn't know where he stands. What is evident is that Joe really doesn't know the world of mafia organizations, he judges from the outside and I think that every reader of the manhwa is fully aware of that.

    Don't get me wrong, I repeat, I don't hate or dislike Joseph Landi, I just feel that he is not the right person for Yeongwoo's life, and I prefer Taejoon.

    baphienaxxx May 22, 2024 12:46 am
    I'm fine with you hoping for TJ to be the endgame because that's your preference but I'm not okay with you downplaying Jo like that because you are talking about the same Jo that went out to look for Chris (una... Bella

    Well, i guess if it's with me, you really didn't understand my comment well. I have never put Joe down or something like that ever. I actually pointed out the plot and the way I see it. My preference has nothing to do with the fact that his character is like i said: a brave man that doesn't really know how the mafia underground is or works in real life and not just how Yeongwoo tells him.

    HRAensn May 22, 2024 1:05 am
    I didn't think my comment would get THAT much debate, but oh well."Especially considering that they've been together 2 decades and haven't made much progress in their relationship. They only talk through sex." ... baphienaxxx

    “We've seen Yeongwoo with Joe and with Taejoon, and even the way he thinks, look at each other and even have sex with them is completely different with Joe and Taejoon. Even Yeongwoo has abandoned entire plans with Joe for immediately going to see Taejoon”

    Of course, while it’s also because Ian cares, that is also an extreme codependent relationship. They’ve been together for so long, it’s only natural. When I say make progress, I mean in communication, all they’ve ever done is through sex and never get it to each other. And Jo has told him to be considerate of TJ and communicate with each other. That’s why I believe Jo will be some sort of catalyst to his own happy ending with Ian or Ian with TJ.

    “They have like 20 years together for a reason and they couldn't be separated, don't you think? Taejoon left the person he was with, Yeongwoo did too, they both care about each other, they take care of each other when they are sick, they saved each other's lives, they are the first one they go to for help or need, they weren't with anyone else (except when into Yeongwoo's life came Joe) what other proof could you ask for?”

    —While I agree, that’s also a big sign of codependency. They’ve been together for so long and didn’t make much progress in their relationship, how long would Ian have to wait for TJ to leave the gang world? It’s not impossible to leave, maybe not unscathed but it’s not impossible to get away. I don’t doubt his love for TJ though, it is still lingering. And Jo knows this so I don’t feel too bad that he’s with someone who likes someone else.

    “Doyak has to do quite a bit of work, character development, redemption arc and all that so that he can justify that ending, because from the rest, Yeongwoo belongs completely to Taejoon so far. Even being with Joe, he thinks about him.”

    Because TJ told him to think about him whenever he has sex with others. Ian belongs to no one, he isn’t an object. His heart may belong but that doesn’t rule out much, and Jo knows that he still likes TJ. I do believe that while he may not be able to handle the gang world, he’s able to give what Ian wants. So can TJ if he also gave up on the gang world.

    It’s not about who prefers who, at the end of the day, I will choose whoever Ian chooses. And I’m sure I’ll see angry readers from whichever side (Jo or TJ fans).

    “Absolutely nothing else, how can he be sure he likes someone beyond sex, if he doesn't know him from much? Joe doesn't want exclusivity or anything like that, and if he has wanted it, he hasn't even shown it strongly. Yeongwoo isn't even loyal to either of them to begin with.”

    I think you forgot that Jo has his pride and he isn’t willing to be a stand in replacement for Ian’s love. He said that himself. He knows that the other is in love with someone else even if Ian himself doesn’t realize it yet. He’s someone who can be really self aware and of others. And that is a good thing. Ian isn’t loyal to neither because he doesn’t have to be unless he wants to be.

    “Yeongwoo wants to leave the mob world, of course he does, but it's really not a world you can come out of unscathed and untroubled without facing trouble in the future, with gangs, with criminals, thugs and guns. Is Joe ready for that? Or is he just someone brave who thinks he can? I'm of the latter opinion.”

    I doubt he’d want stay anywhere near gang places. There are many places he could move to within the country or out of country. I don’t believe that Jo won’t be able to stay by his side, he’s stayed by Ian’s side even when he knew he has someone else in mind, he told him that he stood by his side because he wants to or something (iirc).

    Hey, I respect whoever you prefer. Don’t get me wrong, I just want what’s best for Ian, and at the moment I don’t think TJ helps by taking him back and then disappearing again, making him anxious and guilt out of trauma. I can’t say too much about Jo cause we only in season 2, his desires are slowly becoming.

    HRAensn May 22, 2024 1:08 am
    I didn't think my comment would get THAT much debate, but oh well."Especially considering that they've been together 2 decades and haven't made much progress in their relationship. They only talk through sex." ... baphienaxxx

    “And no, they don't just talk through sex, too much has happened between them outside of sex to say they are only interested in that.”

    I’m not saying they’re only interested in sex, but they aren’t verbally communicating as much, there’s clearly a lack of communication.

    “On the other hand, Joe really knows NOTHING about Yeongwoo except that he was a gangster, has a dark past and wants to get out of it. Absolutely nothing else, how can he be sure he likes someone beyond sex, if he doesn't know him from much?” They haven’t known each other for long, isn’t that natural? And Ian hasn’t opened up because he doesn’t have to, yet anyways. But eventually when Jo comes in contact with Jamie or another person, he will definitely learn more.

    HRAensn May 22, 2024 1:10 am
    I didn't think my comment would get THAT much debate, but oh well."Especially considering that they've been together 2 decades and haven't made much progress in their relationship. They only talk through sex." ... baphienaxxx

    “Even Yeongwoo has abandoned entire plans with Joe for immediately going to see Taejoon.”

    I do think it’s also because of his feelings but it’s more because he cares as a family, he only has TJ and no other family, same with TJ. And naturally they’d form a codependent relationship. He was anxious that TJ was suffering.

    There will be a lot of trauma and communication to be resolved and discussed between the two.

    HRAensn May 22, 2024 1:13 am
    I didn't think my comment would get THAT much debate, but oh well."Especially considering that they've been together 2 decades and haven't made much progress in their relationship. They only talk through sex." ... baphienaxxx

    Someone said this (MoonChild): Jo is the Orion/the hunter and he will be the one to jump into the dangerous life. The story will not come to an end without the involvement of Ian, Jo and TJ. Also, there's more to Jo than what he and the readers had presumed about himself. Everyone has a dark side.

    Remember, Chiwoon thought Jamie's men are circling Ian but Jo they are interested in. Jamie wants Jo. So it’s only normal that Jo will be involved in the gang world without or with Ian’s involvement.

    HRAensn May 22, 2024 1:23 am
    Well, i guess if it's with me, you really didn't understand my comment well. I have never put Joe down or something like that ever. I actually pointed out the plot and the way I see it. My preference has nothi... baphienaxxx

    Hate it when I forget something to add to my paragraph, lmao sorry one more reply haha..

    Referring to your comment about how Ian won’t fall for Jo, that isn’t exactly true because I’ve seen people who’s been with others for more than three decades and still fall in love. Love can’t be restricted easily once you’re in love.

    I think it’s also possible he may like both of them at one point, and it’s not unlikely that he will fall for Jo. The way Ian was looking at Jo’s back while Jo was making food for him, I imagined him living a peaceful like that he wanted, and being made food.

    I also imagine TJ doing the same but it’s in the far future if they do end up together. I’ll choose whoever Ian chooses. I’m pretty neutral for now, just explaining each character’s side, mainly the tops.

    HRAensn May 22, 2024 3:21 am
    I didn't think my comment would get THAT much debate, but oh well."Especially considering that they've been together 2 decades and haven't made much progress in their relationship. They only talk through sex." ... baphienaxxx

    Also don’t get me wrong, but I will respect whoever you choose. I don’t hate TJ, I don’t hate any of the characters since hate is a strong word. I blame their trauma and their enemies. I’m not telling you to change your mind about anyone either nor anyone else, as long as people don’t justify the bad things the characters might have done.