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Kisama... May 19, 2024 5:01 am

I feel so bad for illiana, ive read it and they really are tryting to stop her from being an empress even though she was the victim of the ink event. She’s also falling in love with the ml but she knows that she cant and she realized this idk whats gonna happen but she goes back to the plan of going back home.

But the problem lies with the ml i though i thought he’d already forgiven or sumn Illiana but just like he planned the moment she gives in to him he’ll treat her like how she treated him leaving her locked in the cabin

Atp i feel so bad for her i just want her to leave n get back i just hope the ml changes his mind about his revenge to illiana I CAN TELL HE LIKES HER BUT ITS SO TWISTED THAT IDFK WHATS GONNA HAPPEN
