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TBH I don't care about this woman. I get it. She was hurt and she's acting like that becau...

aerslevdi May 19, 2024 6:04 am

TBH I don't care about this woman. I get it. She was hurt and she's acting like that because she thinks Pereshati is in her same position.
What bother me the most is the author suddenly entering this very unnecessary plot line. As I said, I understand where she's coming from, except Pereshati was never in her same position as her from the very beginning. Even if they were to break up, Pereshati still has her state.
This is not comparable and the new character is not bringing anything new to the table. We know how the family operates because Pereshati has had to deal with it and she's still not fully there as she pointed out at the ball. This character is just adding unnecessary confusion and drama, and moving the plot away from the main issue. Unless she's somehow the key to end the curse, it doesn't make sense for this detour.

    Ohmarwin May 19, 2024 8:30 am

    Tbh at this point I just want snu snu and little (cursed) babies