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The Story is messsed up!!

Nintai-chan May 19, 2024 11:21 am

I feel that the author is an idiot who wrote this book without research. The FL is such a dump b*tch, firstly she gets kidnapped, the almost get killed by fire started by the kidnapper's elder half-sister.. the the FL tries to escape but meets up with the kidnapper again talk about love and ish.. the she harms herself so she can get out which she finally does. The kidnapper plays 'catch me if you can' then meets up with her half brother, get shoot by the kidnapper while escaping..

She wakes and blah blah blah.. meets up with the kidnapper again and throughout the sh*t she experienced.. She doesn't suffer any trauma??? I know it's a manhwa but still be a bit realistic.. Anyone who experienced gun pointed, gun shoot or kidnap or surving fire, they always have trauma.. It lacks common sense
