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Read the first two chaps realized not for me

Riah May 19, 2024 2:57 pm

I feel so bad for the blond hair maid. Why tf does she have to endure all that cuz of that insecure bïtch. Pink hair is so unlikable I hate ppl like her. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

    ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ May 20, 2024 12:18 am

    I suspect it's because of the fact that lots of readers are young and wouldn't be mentally developed to realize that MC is a harasser towards them during MLS time of hiding and this is evident as people still state the hate Blondie even after Elise caused her to be whipped unconscious and bloody, negating the other assaults she has done to her personally out of ignorant jealousy, peoples loyalty to Elise is simply because she is FL and nothing more, its only older readers that will realize there is no real reason to vouch for MC, and only if roles were switched and by that i mean the story circumstances(like if someone trans migrated into blonde girl body and the plot became her being fl, then only would people see during that time period that mc was a harasser and also forcing ml to sleep with her, which people forgot even though the story stated it, just because ml wants fl too), rn pity is the only reason i still care a bit for her, i believe that she has been mentally unstable since she was a child, but yea, definitely kids taking up overgrown kids