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FailingSoftie May 19, 2024 3:52 pm

Erm I’m still a full on Ian supporter even if I like camellia and Claude together but right now Claude is acting so iffy and being over controlling and demanding it’s ticking me off

    TruestBeliever May 20, 2024 12:02 am

    It's his form of being overprotective of her

    gasha26 May 20, 2024 12:35 am

    literally how is he being controlling of her? ian LITERALLY has HER MOM at his house as leverage over her. you’re fucking weird. set your priorities straight…

    TruestBeliever May 20, 2024 12:45 am
    literally how is he being controlling of her? ian LITERALLY has HER MOM at his house as leverage over her. you’re fucking weird. set your priorities straight… gasha26

    Now Ian on the other hand is underhanded

    SilverVine_Cat May 20, 2024 7:03 am

    I mean you're entitled to your own opinion, but I didn't see Ian stand up against bullshit discrimination for Camelia like Claude has done consistently. All Ian did was offer to kidnap her basically. Which would remove her from the situation theoretically, but in the long run would just cause more problems. I don't think Ian understands how to be considerate of Camelia's feelings (yes I know he didn't forcefully kiss her that time, but that's the bare minimum for human decency) he just wants to possess her. He didn't care that she stormed off crying after her dad said he would honor their agreement. Actually, he did care, he viewed it positively because that meant he would get Camelia regardless of her feelings. That boy ain't right.

    SilverVine_Cat May 20, 2024 7:12 am
    I mean you're entitled to your own opinion, but I didn't see Ian stand up against bullshit discrimination for Camelia like Claude has done consistently. All Ian did was offer to kidnap her basically. Which woul... SilverVine_Cat

    I mean don't get me wrong, Claude has issues too. He can be a bit forceful and sometimes hides things from her, but at least he cares for her mental state and doesn't want to see her hurt anymore. Has he hurt her? Yes, but he didn't intend to and frankly that just makes him human. Everyone has flaws. Ian on the other hand is like "let me gain ownership of her first, then I'll deal with her emotions and the whole her liking me back thing later."