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Charlotte4869 May 19, 2024 4:36 pm

That was so uncalled for Marlon like Why tf you did that. But before anything else, I noticed that people kept throwing around the word grooming. I don't think Marlon did that in this case(at least for now, not until we learn his perspective when he showed care to six) Grooming is when you showed care and affection and build trust on a child inorder to manipulate, exploit, and abuse them. I don't think marlon(the Uke) showed "care" to Six just to abuse him like be fr, if you have time to comment, at least give time to search for the meaning of the word you are throwing around. BUT I STILL FEEL A LOT OF ICK FROM MARLON LIKE Y TF YOU GONNA MAKE SEX JOKE TO A FUCKING CHILD. Furthermore, y would you strangle a child like WTF. That's so L. (Anyways, calming down a bit, it's interesting to know why Marlon had that response but tbh, I'm not surprised about his reaction on the confession of six. It's so clear in chapter 1. He doesn't want to be threatened as a prey or being looked down as weak. Both of his reactions have a common denominator and that's when people thinks that he is helpless or if he's a prey. Dismantling his past that brought him to this kind of response will be one hell of a ride). But I'm just happy that they escaped from the circus and trying to live normally.

    lostikins May 20, 2024 4:58 am

    I think people are conflating saying inappropriate things to a kid with actually grooming ((which includes manipulation, isolation, indoctrination and a lot more psychological aspects)) a child in order to have a sexual relationship with them.

    Unfortunately, I've had firsthand experience with this so it always puts me off when people get it wrong. They don't realize how much actually goes into grooming someone. They just see someone being mildly creepy and think that equals grooming.

    Also, Marlon explicitly stated multiple times he had 0 interest in children and if anything seeing how he reacted when Six was in his wolf form I thought people would be screaming bestiality-- which they'd still be wrong. Six retains his ability to think like a human and since he's a werewolf he falls under the teratophilia tag lol

    Charlotte4869 May 20, 2024 3:01 pm
    I think people are conflating saying inappropriate things to a kid with actually grooming ((which includes manipulation, isolation, indoctrination and a lot more psychological aspects)) a child in order to have... lostikins

    Hugs to you

    Charlotte4869 May 20, 2024 3:04 pm
    Hugs to you Charlotte4869

    Oh nooo it was cut
    Anyways, Hugs to you (with consent and platonically ) I hope you found your way into healing.
    Also, oooh teratophilia. First time encountering that word.