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Does Skylar still like Chan-il? Lingering feelings?

HRAensn May 19, 2024 5:53 pm

In chapter 100, page 52–we can see that Skylar has those blush marks because he is embarrassed.
In chapter 100, page 60–we can see that the small blush lines form.
Then in page 61, we see Chan-il’s face dropping with water, usually authors do this to show what one looks like in another’s eye.

And in page 62, we see how the author dramatically shows Skylar with the red lines on his face. Why so dramatic? Is he blushing because he finds him beautiful/still has feelings lingering or because he’s embarrassed? But then in the panels after that, we see him looking down with the red lines with gloomy expression so I can’t tell.

But the embarrassment blush lines between page 52 and 62 are completely different.

But he did reject the offer. I think he was tempted to take the offer but because he has an insecure bf, he said no.

Am I taking this too seriously? But I just extremely hate it when someone confessed to date and holds lingering feelings so my insecure ass will wanna know sorry y’all.

BUT I don’t think Skylar ever LOVEd Chan-il because he saw that he looked like Minwoo, just infatuation but I hope those feelings are gone now…

Cirrus wants love and I want that for him too, Skylar is his first.

    HRAensn May 19, 2024 5:49 pm

    This is what I
    Mean when I say I’m similar to Cirrus’s insecure ass.

    Suibian^^ May 19, 2024 10:03 pm

    I think even though Skylar feelings for Chan-il started as an infatuation for his resemblance to Minwoo, he might have actually liked him at some point. We saw it when Skylar and Cirrus went to the ferris wheel and Skylar cried.
    Also in one of the autor's note it said skaylar first impression of Cirrus was that he was very pretty and everyone seems to like him, but he wasn't his type, or something like that. He found someone like Chan-il, easy going, nice and manly more attractive.
    Remember Minwoo was "manly", rebellious and a jerk, and so was Skylar when they were together, a rebellious boy.
    When Skylar blushed talking to Chan-il even though he has Cirrus now, it might be a memory of lingering feelings when he had a crush on him and hoped he looked his way, and now he was thinking of him and asked him out as friends, but now he dosen't feel the same as before. Maybe he felt guilty too because Cirrus blocked Chan-il number to ignore him and now he was going to reject him himself.

    HRAensn May 19, 2024 10:27 pm
    I think even though Skylar feelings for Chan-il started as an infatuation for his resemblance to Minwoo, he might have actually liked him at some point. We saw it when Skylar and Cirrus went to the ferris wheel... Suibian^^

    I FEEL like he still has lingering feeling and I hope that isn’t the case. From the looks of it, his blush was shown way too dramatically to be just “embarrassment”. And the way they showed and highlighted Chan’s appearance made me more suspicious.

    I mean yes I’m sure Skylar liked Chan at some point but I feel like it was mostly infatuation cause he said Chan looked like Minwoo. But the nicer version of Minwoo.

    But the “embarrassed” could also be it. It’s just that if he does have lingering feelings, I’m gonna feel so bad bruh cause why confess to someone who clearly likes you..while interested in another that is his ideal type?

    Even though Cirrus needs serious help, I want him to be loved for once. I can see why he gets so anxious, everyone’s been picking another person over him in his life (ex. His father picked his mother over him and blamed him for her death etc.)

    Also what caused Skylar to lose/fade his feelings? Cause Cirrus isn’t his type, so I don’t get it. There’s a lot of questions, I hope author answers them in later chapters and I really want to see Skylar be more emotionally involved with Cirrus, it feels like it’s all just physical and a trial relationship.

    HRAensn May 19, 2024 10:36 pm
    I think even though Skylar feelings for Chan-il started as an infatuation for his resemblance to Minwoo, he might have actually liked him at some point. We saw it when Skylar and Cirrus went to the ferris wheel... Suibian^^

    MAYBE ITS JUST ME, but I feel like Skylar isn’t emotionally involved with Cirrus. They keep kissing and making up, but I feel that it’s still the same.

    It’s okay if Skylar used to like Chan at some point because who wouldn’t? But I hope not still, that’s gonna hurt me…

    Also the author said story is ending soon.

    HRAensn May 19, 2024 10:41 pm
    I think even though Skylar feelings for Chan-il started as an infatuation for his resemblance to Minwoo, he might have actually liked him at some point. We saw it when Skylar and Cirrus went to the ferris wheel... Suibian^^

    Yeah nah I don’t think Skylar holds much feelings for Chan anymore cause chapter 99, he also blushed pretty similarly but seemed way hotter, towards Cirrus. I’ll stay in my peace world

    Suibian^^ May 19, 2024 11:06 pm
    I FEEL like he still has lingering feeling and I hope that isn’t the case. From the looks of it, his blush was shown way too dramatically to be just “embarrassment”. And the way they showed and highlighte... HRAensn

    I don't thing Slykar likes Chan-il as before, i don’t know how to word it.

    For example i had a liked this boy, we were good friends, we lost contact and when i saw him again i was nervous because i used to like him but that was all, i still thought he was nice and we liked each other when we were younger but not anymore, it was just a nice memory.
    Another friend also had a crush and when she finally moved on and had a boyfriend his crush looked her way and ask her on a date, she said yes because she wondered "what if" but at the end she said she didn’t like him anymore, and remembered how crazy she was for him.
    Sorry for all the rambling.

    I just think he dosen't like him anymore, but i also wonder how Skylar came to like Cirrus. For Cirrus is pretty obvious, but for Slykar there were small moments when he felt happy to be with Cirrus, and i think he was moved because he could be himself with him and asked him out just because Cirrus confesed first and wondered what it'd be like to go out with someone that liked him.

    HRAensn May 19, 2024 11:56 pm
    I don't thing Slykar likes Chan-il as before, i don’t know how to word it.For example i had a liked this boy, we were good friends, we lost contact and when i saw him again i was nervous because i used to lik... Suibian^^

    Last sentence, that’s what I also wonder. How did his feelings for Chan fade? Maybe it wasn’t as strong feeling as he thought