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Loved this and I can’t really articulate why. The gore was not for me but it was so done...

PatrickStar May 19, 2024 6:57 pm

Loved this and I can’t really articulate why. The gore was not for me but it was so done so masterfully. The story and design elements were amazing. All the demon designs were drop dead beautiful and disturbing, perfect for the world the author created.

HeLl really did seem hellish, I don’t know how to describe the feeling of hopelessness it gave me. I mean, they were doing terrible things to each other but they were more human than humanity I thought that was very well done. They lived horrible lives and inflicted pain and suffering on each other and love made them wither away, heartbreaking and poignant too.

Mako was an interesting character. I think I didn’t like him very much but he was absolutely a realized person not a cardboard cutout of a person. J even more so, I found kind and cruel in equal measure. I liked him a lot because he seemed more human than Mako. It’s interesting that the story follows Mako vs J because I’m sure I wouldn’t like J as much when he was on his quest for W’s love. The ending was perfect. Mako’s obsession and J’s death perpetuating a new cycle. The position at the top that can only be achieved by inspiring hate/love and the loneliness of it. Urgh. It’s really very good.
