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Am I thinking too much?

HRAensn May 19, 2024 10:39 pm

What caused Skylar to lose his feelings towards Chan-il? Or does he still have some? But if he does, then why confess to Cirrus who clearly likes him but he isn’t Skylar’s ideal type (author said his ideal type is Chan)

I hate seeing Cirrus anxious because Skylar seems distant and more happier around Chan-il, but it’s also because of his own toxic behavior. Both are teens so I can’t exactly be mad at them or hold a grudge.

MAYBE ITS JUST ME, but I feel like Skylar isn’t emotionally involved with Cirrus. They keep kissing and making up, but I feel that it’s still the same. And author said that the story will end soon, no fucking way, I want to see Skylar be more in love with Cirrus and see Cirrus feel loved for once in his life (Not one adult in his life chose him, the only one that did was the pedo ew.)

I can see why Cirrus gets anxious, but I don’t condone his behavior. I JUST WANT SKYLAR TO EXPLAIN THAT HE IS NOT THE SECOND CHOICE, I need panels where it shows more of Skylar’s POV and how he doesn’t really feel the same towards Chan-il. Or at least Skylar falling in love with Cirrus.

This shit is hurting me. Fuck me

“I will wait for you to fall in love with me,” — Cirrus 2024.

“I’ll do anything so don’t leave me, so I can go on living.” — Cirrus, in need of affection, 2024 (Insert crying tears because mangago said no emojis) DUDE Don’t BE A DOORMAT.

I’m sorry but pleas never confess to a mentally ill person who wants love if you won’t commit fully emotionally and hold lingering feelings for another.

It’s not clear if Skylar still holds those feelings but hopefully author explains cause ain’t no way the story ending without it being explained? I’ll knock on author’s door if I gotta.

    HRAensn May 19, 2024 10:41 pm

    PSH future me NAHHH Skylar doesn’t hold the same feelings towards Chan-il, he just blushed because he’s embarrassed, calm your insecure ass down. In chapter 99, look back, you see the way Skylar blushes at Cirrus? He’s head over heels for that sexy talker