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raon... Best boy t.t

Phantama May 19, 2024 10:54 pm

I want raon to be ml (/TДT)/ he's been such a green flag, he's a green light, he's practically competing for green at the green flag olympics.!!

I demand another "what if" story where raon finds the imae painter next to his dead mom and keeps him secretly in like a hut or his residence and sticks with him to help recover. They have a slow burn love where the imae paints his portrait, gains notoriety, and has to disguise himself so the evil emperor doesn't notice he's an imae.

But then drama ensues when the emperor sees him, lusts after him and suddenly raon and the imae have to flee. This is wgen they confess their love abd raon holds his own special naming ceremony, picking something that would be perfect and sentimental. After a long journey and raon throwing away everything of his former life they settle down, only moving whenever the emperor starts to get close.

It ends open ended where raon and the newly named imae cross the sea after making a burial for his mom and telling her his new name. Then off to new horizons and just smiling at their new life traveling together.

Instead we get this guy....and ch 15....and no lovey time with raon... ╥﹏╥ and just constant interruptions with painting...lemme see his skills pls ┗( T﹏T )┛hes being reverted back to being just sexual release for the emperor.

Its like the author doesn't even care for his skill. Its just a side plot that doesn't really go anywhere. The emperor is exactly like the first imae who was giving the mc herbs for sex. The emperor is just hotter? So people root for him. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

Rant over hahaha. I'll still read tho, sexy time is sexy...just hate the plot (● ̄(エ) ̄●)
