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Why doesn't she tell her husband? Here's why

rannyrunt May 20, 2024 4:30 am

So I wanted to share some insight as to why it isn't easy for Ruby to tell Izek that her family is abusing her:

1. Fear - Ruby is scared of Cezar. When someone is abused, their abuser instills an illogical and conditioned fear on their victim. The fear that if they tell anyone, they will end up with more suffering and punishment. This is the same reason why slaves who cannot go against their masters - they have been conditioned to fear. This is why Ruby was also scared of Izek in the beginning, and why she shakes and shudders - because her body has been conditioned to fearing authority.

2. Trust - When one is abused, they think everyone is similar to their abuser. They think that if they tell anyone, it will come back to their abuser and they will be punished more. This was why Ruby thought Izek would hurt her, and that he will send her back to Romania. This is also why she thinks no one will listen to her, or believe her, because she has trust issues. This is the same reason why kids who are bullied are don't tell anyone. They are scared they won't be believed, or that their abusers will know that they tattled so they will be subject to more abuse.

3. Gaslighting - abusers make their victims believe that it is the victims' fault that they are being abused or treated poorly. It's the same reason why battered housewives can't leave their husbands - they're told they don't take care of their husbands well, or that they're useless or don't contribute to the house as much - you get the story. So they blame themselves why their husbands cheat or abuse them. Ruby isn't to this extent but you can see that she is close to it.
In Ruby's case, Cezar tells her it is a lesson she should be taught, brought about by her lack of wisdom or her stubbornness. This is why Ruby has a tendency to apologize profusely - and why she acts like a good doll when she is with her abuser. Because if she's a good girl, she won't be punished. You'll see the same pattern in the beginning of her relationship with Izek (why she doesn't want to bother her husband and be a nuisance to him). Also the reason why she developed an eating disorder (because she has to remain pretty and slim for her family to find her useful).

This webtoon actually is the closest depictions to the reality of mental illness, eating disorders and abuse. Ruby is your classic abuse victim but she is trying hard to battle it out with the support of her husband. Helping abuse victims is a long term effort on the part of their partners and support people. It's not something they can easily change if they just want to.

Imagine having to learn to trust strangers when your trust has been broken by family over and over again. That's why she can't tell her husband... Yet.
