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Jo, Ian, TJ

HRAensn May 20, 2024 5:59 am

Many said this all referring to chapter 44 and I agree: “Y’all need pay attention to what Ian said. Ian just realized that their sex isn't romantic but a coping mechanism for their trauma. It's a form of escapism from the reality they do not want to face, its a unhealthy emotional outlet. I'm glad he realized that and hope he starts a healthy way with TJ, like actual communication, if that's possible. But damn Joseph is a great observer, he just can tell and read ppl well even with his own problems happening behind scene.”

It’s like a a drug addiction for them both too, unhealthy and destroying yourself. Binge eating all the cookies and ice cream no matter how much you know too much is going to make you absurdly unhealthy, but you still want more.

If these relationships don't make progress, I don't think there will be a good male lead choice for Ian. With TJ it will be a destructive and toxic relationship if he’s endgame and they haven’t resolved any traumas/insecurity, and with Jo, the fascinating sense of novelty will wane if they have fights and arguments because of any insecurities. The power of love cannot magically solve all problems. Ian, Jo and TJ have to deal with their traumas and insecurities.

TJ sees Ian as a romantic partner and as Ian said maybe he also did love TJ in the past (there is, there was) but I think Ian is so done with anything related to the gang that inevitably TJ is also placed in the same category because as Ian also admitted in the past chapter TJ would always remind him of the past hence I think that for Ian this "Love" for TJ naturally thinned out and just stayed as a habit in the form of sexual attraction. But I’m sure he holds some lingering feelings still, but it’s more codependency too.

People also say Jo is kind and boring, but in chapter 45, he admits in monologue: “I’m not as kind as you think.” And he also thinks in that chapter, “I wonder if he’s (Ian) thinking about him (TJ) right now…”. SO YES JO IS AWARE THAT IAN POSSIBLY HOLDS Feelings still. Ian saying “there was” is a flashback from chapter 15 when Ian was saying he’s only been in love with one person in the past, referring to TJ. Jo realizes Ian never actually stopped loving that person or his feelings didn’t completely fade, though Ian himself isn’t aware of it.

Both TJ and Jo are superior in some aspects to the other. That’s just a fact and the cognitive dissonance it causes is meant to push the reader to think harder than surface level, to decide (or not decide) what to make with these relationships. Therefore it's completely reasonable why people root for different love interests, that's what the story is trying to achieve, but there is really no plausibled reason to attack someone with a different opinion to yours, whether you see it as wrong or problematic or whatever else.

As far as I understand it, he likes them both at the very least and he cannot commit to an exclusive relationship. It’s been so clear to me from the beginning that I really don’t expect anything else. Like I don’t think he’ll make a real choice until we’re at the last season at least.

    HRAensn May 20, 2024 6:07 am

    2) People say Jo is boring just cause he has no tattoos or some shit but: When JO said “Don’t dismiss that consideration of his (TJ), it is Jo being considerate but not in a way you think. He definitely saying this to Ian, so Ian would respect TJ’s wish in not getting Ian involved and don’t want Ian to go looking for him, in a way this benefits Jo relationship with Ian. Hence why Jo says he's not that kind. Ngl I love that he did this. This makes him so much more interesting.

    Read the author’s interview. Read that she’s into film noir, which shows in this, and has never been into “pleasant stories,” which I can grasp here as well. I’m lowkey intrigued since Jo just said to himself that he’s not as pure as Ian thinks he is: by telling Ian to respect TJ’s wishes, he’s lowkey hoping to keep them apart so he has a better chance with Ian.

    Someone also stated this and I kinda agree, it’s hard to tell right now as the story is getting to that in maybe third season:

    There's a difference between being IN love and just loving someone. I don't think he is IN love with him. They have a trauma bond, that is not genuine romantic love. Do I think at one point he COULD have been IN love with TJ, yes. Now? not so much... especially after everything hit the fan. Too many people are throwing around the word love when its more complex than that if you look at their history. It's pretty easy to "fall" for the guy who's your only "family" and looked out for you in a hectic environment. So many feelings can mimic "love" you just have to know the difference between them. He probably doesn't really understand it himself since Tj is the one he's been closest to, even if he is in denial about any feelings he has toward him now. I just know they're not as romantic as everyone thinks.

    HRAensn May 20, 2024 6:11 am

    3) LAST ONE: Also didn’t Ian already vowed to TJ that he will go back to him and Joseph doesn't know that. Things will most likely get messy since Ian was not being honest.

    That's what the author also said Ian was the worst out of all three in a (joking manner) because both TJ and Joseph are struggling because of him and he's a heartbreaker. She also said people being mad about Ian because they blindly babying their favourite tops, TJ and Joseph. They only love to see him being paired with them but don't try to understand the context of the story and the complex situation between the characters. She said there's no perfect characters in this story. Everyone is so imperfect as humanlike.

    Bella May 21, 2024 8:41 am
    2) People say Jo is boring just cause he has no tattoos or some shit but: When JO said “Don’t dismiss that consideration of his (TJ), it is Jo being considerate but not in a way you think. He definitely say... HRAensn

    Did you copy-paste everything?
    Correction it's actually TJ stans who said Jo was boring in the beginning. Don't generalize everyone as same. When Jo said "don't dismiss that consideration of his(TJ)" he genuinely cares about Ian and his safety because Ian already told him that he wanted to leave the gang life. He didn't said that to benefit his relationship with Ian lol. You need to remember that the same Jo didn't want to spend the night with Ian in chapter 47 because he didn't want to be a replacement of someone else. Him saying he's not that kind could mean that he also has a crazy side which he's referring to the darkness within himself.

    Bella May 21, 2024 8:49 am
    2) People say Jo is boring just cause he has no tattoos or some shit but: When JO said “Don’t dismiss that consideration of his (TJ), it is Jo being considerate but not in a way you think. He definitely say... HRAensn

    Why would he want to keep them apart lol? Knowing Jo, I think he will most likely will tell Ian to sort out his problem with TJ instead of running away like a coward. Unfortunately, Jo doesn't know the insights of Ian, his past and his relationship with TJ. We need to remember that Jo is the first person to give Ian a reality check. He told Ian instead of running away from the situation, communication is the best option.

    HRAensn May 21, 2024 10:04 am
    Did you copy-paste everything? Correction it's actually TJ stans who said Jo was boring in the beginning. Don't generalize everyone as same. When Jo said "don't dismiss that consideration of his(TJ)" he genuine... Bella

    Did you not see that it say someone said: But I guess it wasn’t clear. I never said everyone thinks a certain way. No Jo said “Don’t think I’m as kind as you think” after he said “don’t dismiss that consideration of his.” So he does have other motives aside from being polite overall. I do know he’s a pretty good guy but clearly his desires are growing.

    You don’t have to tell me what he meant by the kind part, I’m a ware. It’s his desires growing, but it doesn’t exactly mean he’s bad. It’s just human desires.

    And yes I already mentioned the replacement part or maybe I didn’t but I do have it mentioned in my documents. He has his pride/dignity and I respect it.

    HRAensn May 21, 2024 10:06 am
    Why would he want to keep them apart lol? Knowing Jo, I think he will most likely will tell Ian to sort out his problem with TJ instead of running away like a coward. Unfortunately, Jo doesn't know the insights... Bella

    It’s a theory/claim, not a fact. Jo doesn’t know about Ian insights but he sure is clear of his feelings for TJ more than Ian and TJ themselves despite spending two decades together lmfao. Really shows the turning point that there will be progress between TJ and Ian (whether endgame or not) because of Jo.

    I really believe Jo will help them, and it’s up to Ian who he wants to be with. I already know who’s good for him but I ain’t gonna say it cause I’m trying to stay neutral/not get attacked cause fans are sensitive as hell

    May 22, 2024 3:15 am
    It’s a theory/claim, not a fact. Jo doesn’t know about Ian insights but he sure is clear of his feelings for TJ more than Ian and TJ themselves despite spending two decades together lmfao. Really shows the ... HRAensn

    Wait tell me!! I think Jo is best for him right? I haven’t read this since the beginning cus I’m trying to wait it out but looking a
    T the situation Jo seems to be the better option considering as you said he wants to be yea form the gang and the past? Idk

    HRAensn May 22, 2024 3:20 am
    Wait tell me!! I think Jo is best for him right? I haven’t read this since the beginning cus I’m trying to wait it out but looking aT the situation Jo seems to be the better option considering as you said h...

    Idk about who’s best for Ian. It’s all up to Ian. I do think the healthier choice is Jo just because he tries to communicate and does, he also tells Ian to be considerate of TJ (one of the ML). TJ isn’t a bad type of guy but what he’s done has hurt Ian and himself. We will have to see who’s endgame in S3

    May 22, 2024 3:25 am
    Idk about who’s best for Ian. It’s all up to Ian. I do think the healthier choice is Jo just because he tries to communicate and does, he also tells Ian to be considerate of TJ (one of the ML). TJ isn’t a... HRAensn

    Yeah, I feel like he might end up wi th neither for some reason. Or he will go back to tj just cus it’s always been like that. The “happy” ending may be getting with jo

    HRAensn May 22, 2024 3:49 am
    Yeah, I feel like he might end up wi th neither for some reason. Or he will go back to tj just cus it’s always been like that. The “happy” ending may be getting with jo

    Author said he will end up with one of them. So if he does end up with TJ, I hope they resolve things first